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Where do you read the date Dec. 21, 2012 in this? |
If the conspiracy theorists (a.k.a., tin foil hat wearers, paranoid wackos) are correct, this is the last piece of copy I ever will write.
the day has finally arrived on Friday that our society, our planet, our very
sphere of existence, will come to an end.
ALL I know, I wasted my time writing this, because you won’t be in any position
to read it.
I did take the time to write it, because I fully expect you to have plenty of
time to read it. Along with all the other thoughts I plan to express during
what remains of my life. Which I don’t expect to end anytime soon!
short, I have always found a certain level of absurdity to those people who actually
take seriously the idea that many centuries ago, the Mayans (one of the
societies that have melded into the modern-day Mexicans) predicted that our
world would end as of Dec. 21, 2012.
course, the people who interpret those round Mayan (whose own demise as a
separate people came long ago) calendars to come up with Friday’s date are
probably the same ones who can’t really read those Egyptian hieroglyphics. So
we really don’t know much of what all those pharaohs of old were thinking.
IT WAS never really clear to me exactly what is supposed to happen Friday that
will bring our society to its demise.
A massive meteor smashing into our planet to knock it off its orbit just enough
that it becomes uninhabitable?
how long will it take? Will we suddenly just cease to exist? Or will it be one
of those things that is nothing in the overall scheme of time, but seems like
an eternity to us?
means that when we are still alive and thriving come 12:01 a.m. Saturday, the
conspiracy theorists among us will probably come up with some picayune event
that they say proves the truth of their beliefs – and that the end of the world
has begun.
THERE WOULD be one advantage to having the end of the world at hand – we wouldn’t
have to listen any longer to these paranoid people with their doomsday
predictions. Because it’s not like they have some sort of secret rocket ship
that will allow them to escape the demise of Planet Earth.
idea of people who want to believe that one of those “X-files” movies gave
their paranoid delusions credibility (by claiming that David Duchovny’s “Fox
Mulder” character found the evidence that our government knew about the reality
of Dec. 21, 2012 and was deliberately covering it up as part of a plot to hide
the reality of extraterrestrial life) is something I could do without.
fact, reading back that last sentence and what was forefold in that film shows
just how absurd all this rhetoric is.
that film’s storyline is about as absurd as the reality espoused by the
individuals who really believe that Friday has any real significance. Personally,
the only significance to this date is that this weblog made it to the five-year
mark in its existence.
IF THIS date truly is the “end of the world,” then what’s the point? Somehow, I
doubt the content of this weblog will be the one aspect of life on this planet
that survives to be found by some future concept of life in this universe.
means that my real point is to mock the doomsday predictions, particularly in
that no one followed the lead of “Dr. Strangelove” and came up with an
underground bunker containing 10 women for each man to protect us!
that schpiel that computers would crash en masse on Jan. 1, 2000 had a tiny bit
of truth to it – in that computer software can be so temperamental at times
that nobody really knows what triggers a crash.
reality, I expect Friday to be as uneventful a day as that one was (so
uneventful that I can’t even recall what I did). Although it will be ironic for
those people who pass away on Friday – because it WILL be the end of life as
they knew it.
JUST IN the oft-chance that something cataclysmic does occur on Friday, I’ll
leave you with R.E.M. and their song, “It’s the End of the World as We Know It
(and I feel fine).”
will probably be the only time in my life that I don’t find that song
completely annoying to listen to.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This commentary also will be published at The South Chicagoan, a younger sister (by three months) weblog of this site.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This commentary also will be published at The South Chicagoan, a younger sister (by three months) weblog of this site.
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