not about to predict just who Donald Trump will pick to be his vice
presidential running mate. Largely because there’s no knowing just what the man
will consider to be a priority on any given day.
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TRUMP: Who's his Number Two? |
also is why some people are fearful of what kind of chief executive he’d make
if he actually got elected. Nobody cares if The Trump Organization LLC is run
by an egomaniac because ultimately Donald himself is the loser if he makes a
stupid decision.
IF HE does manage to get elected to higher office, the consequences are much
higher. This is bigger than back when Minnesota voters picked one-time
professional wrestler Jesse Ventura to be their governor.
to tell you the truth, I think the kind of people who made that vote are the same
ones telling their brethren across the country to Vote Trump this time around.
It’s something of a protest vote by people who resent the idea that they’re
supposed to care about government.
they decide to “clown it up” by doing the equivalent of casting a ballot for “Mickey
Mouse.” Except Mickey and Minnie probably have more gravitas as a first couple
than do Donald and Melania.
Mickey would probably give us Goofy as a V-P, with Donald Duck as a Secretary
of Defense, while we don’t have a clue who Trump would put in place to succeed
him in the event of his demise while in office.
ANYTHING, I suspect Trump would wind up placing any running mate he picks under
immediate suspicion that they may try to poison his food in an attempt to gain
the top political post for themselves.
points to mention. One is that such a motivation is the only reason anyone
would want to be aligned with Trump as a running mate. Second is that if one
truly wanted to feed Trump something nasty, just keep giving him those “taco
bowls” he claims are so wonderful at the restaurants in his hotels.
argue that his opinion of those culinary dishes is evidence that the man has no
true sense of cuisine, or elegance. Then again, those 40-foot-high letters
spelling out “T-R-U-M-P” on the side of his building in Chicago ought to be
evidence of how gauche the man can be.
who’s the Trump V-P?
NOTICED THAT New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was named to be in charge of a
Trump transition team as he officially goes from being one of 18 Republican
blowhards dreaming of being president to being the GOP’s actual nominee.
this mean we’ll soon get the ticket of Trump/Christie running for office, to
see which loudmouth can out-shout the other in an effort to lead our country?
could this be the sole reward for being willing to give up his own presidential
aspirations and be subservient to Trump? Maybe Trump will actually ask Christie’s
opinion on who the V-P should be? Then pick someone else based solely on his
sense says that Trump, who has never held elective office in his life, needs a
hard-core politico at his side. Perhaps such as a New Jersey governor. Or a member of the Senate (although not Ted
Cruz, he’s too likely to think for himself and ignore the latest ramblings of
LAST THING Trump needs is the perception of a rank amateur who’s so clueless
that he becomes easy pickings for Saturday Night Live sketches.
as the aforementioned Admiral James Stockdale, who was the running mate back in
1992 when H. Ross Perot tried giving us an independent political bid. Political
people still laugh at the lines, “Who am I” and “Why am I here” that came from
Stockdale during his one debate performance, as though the man were truly too
clueless to comprehend his circumstance, instead of trying to answer rhetorical
questions meant to introduce himself to the audience.
Or if Trump were to actually take seriously the suggestion of former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, whose state tried to give law enforcement and local officials greater authority to crack down on Latinos for merely existing. If Trump picked her, we'd see how quickly that any Democratic presidential hopeful would wind up gaining 99 percent of the Latino vote. It would be a pathetic joke.
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BREWER: Noooooooooooooo!!!! |
Or if Trump were to actually take seriously the suggestion of former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, whose state tried to give law enforcement and local officials greater authority to crack down on Latinos for merely existing. If Trump picked her, we'd see how quickly that any Democratic presidential hopeful would wind up gaining 99 percent of the Latino vote. It would be a pathetic joke.
anything, that could become the key to figuring if Trump has truly picked a
worthy running mate – how quickly can Saturday Night Live turn his choice into
a national joke?!? If they can’t, then Trump may have caught on to something.
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