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How many kids would think this lunch is fine, except for those stinkin' peaches in the corner? |
the governor’s people these days are reviewing a series of changes in the
guidelines as to what can be fed to children who are at licensed day care
centers – all under the guise in improving their health and reducing the chance
they will become overweight.
COOKIES OR cakes for the young kids, along with limits on sugary or fatty foods
– in addition to bans on how long (no more than 30 minutes) they can be
inactive. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services officials say
these changes, and others, could take effect sometime in the spring of 2014.
in all, it would sound like a noble goal – even if the kids themselves will
likely whine and cry about the loss of cookies and other foods they should only
be getting in moderation.
just know that the conservative ideologues of our society will feel the need to
trash Quinn for trying to dictate what it is their kids can consume. They may
argue that they had cookies and other junk as kids, and they turned out fine.
ARGUE AGAINST that concept. If they really think this is a great moral crusade
that symbolizes our right to personal freedom, they have some seriously
misplaced priorities.
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OBAMA: Crusading against obesity |
also negligent as parents if they believe all that junk is acceptable for their
kids. But that’s another issue.
caught my attention about news coverage of the day care proposal being
considered in Illinois was a story I stumbled across earlier this week –
concerning the school lunches being fed to students in Harlan, Ky.
Daily Enterprise newspaper reported last week about a school board meeting
where students complained about getting wheat bread instead of white, actual
vegetables, and limits on fried potatoes and meat portions.
ALSO DON’T like getting milk that is 1 percent rather than whole, and non-fat
versions of chocolate- or strawberry-flavored milk.
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QUINN: No cookies for kiddies? |
school board member paraphrased the attitude of students by saying, “they say
it tastes like vomit.” Which gave the Daily Caller website the ammunition they
wanted when they rewrote the story this week with a political spin.
else to describe a story with the headline, Kentucky students to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like
vomit’ The website also published in the text of their story that, “the
food on offer in the cafeteria is crappy…”
story also reported how the federal government dictates, through the National
School Lunch Program, the content and portion sizes of the lunches served in
INTENT OF the guidelines is remarkably similar to the daycare guidelines being
considered in Illinois – controlling calorie counts to prevent people from
getting fat on poor food, while also increasing the chance someone will consume
something healthy; even if it’s just by mistake.
far as the alleged low quality of food, I have no doubt the students are
complaining. I suspect they’re going to complain regardless of what is actually
put on their plates.
can recall being a student some three to four decades ago and being offered up
all the fried food options that now are being limited – along with tasteless
pizza that was gobbled up because it we thought it was a novelty. We didn’t
know better!
is what I’d argue in response to those Kentucky kids who think they’re
consuming “vomit.”
FOR THOSE parents who are willing to use their kids’ malcontent natures to play
partisan politics, I’d argue, “Grow up!”
as for the people in Illinois who inevitably will complain about Pat Quinn and
his actions with regards to day care centers, I’d ask if they really want to
get all worked up over the loss of a cookie.
you really want to be whining like a batch of 4-year-olds who didn't get their favorite "treat" for the day?
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