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QUINN: Can he nudge with numbers? |
of us are too clueless to comprehend what is truly going on here. We mouth out
the same response that comedic actor Chevy Chase gave us while portraying
former President Gerald Ford (“It was my understanding that there would be no
math”) and let our eyes glaze over at the very thought.
IS WHY deadlines for this issue to be addressed come up every year, and get
ignored. It is why nothing happened on the issue this year (and no, I define
action as a bill being passed by the Legislature and sent to the governor for
it is why nothing will happen when the deadline Gov. Pat Quinn imposed for next
week comes and goes.
except for endless commentaries that will be written by many (perhaps even
myself) about how weak and ineffectual Quinn has appeared on this issue.
personally, I think this really is an issue for the Legislature at this point.
Anybody who argues that the governor needs to take leadership on the issue is
merely trying to excuse the fact that our legislators have shown too much
comfort with the idea of doing nothing.
IS THE reason that Quinn put out an interesting statement this weekend – one that
tries to make the reality of the growing debt caused by inadequate funding for
the pension programs seem like something real.
perhaps as something less likely to cause everybody’s eyes to glaze over!
I think he may have emphasized the wrong figure.
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Is Chevy Chase impersonating Gerald R. Ford? Or all of our political people these days when it comes to avoiding financial figures? |
Quinn financial advisers put it, the state’s unfunded pension liability will
grow by $5 million per day for the state fiscal year that begins Monday.
CAUGHT MY attention were a couple of figures located a little lower in his
statement – in recent years, there has been something like $2 billion that
could have been spent on various education programs, and another $3 billion in
money for social service programs – that instead had to go toward paying the
costs of the five pension programs that Illinois government oversees.
a time when public education is struggling financially and many school
districts are scraping and scratching for every dollar they can get – while having
to accept the fact that the state (the alleged primary funding source) is NOT
providing them with all the funding they are eligible for under the state aid
formula – the fact that money could have been available IF ONLY our legislators
had acted on this issue a few years ago.
has to burn. It probably hurt more than the feeling all those Chicago Cubs fans
experienced eight seasons ago when the White Sox managed a World Series victory
while they got nothing.
$2 billion and $3 billion figures can only go up!
CAN ONLY wish that this factor could sway the members of our General Assembly
to act – rather than continue to sit around doing nothing because they presume
everybody will be willing to blame the governor for this problem.
not saying Pat Quinn is blameless. But a good chunk of what is wrong lies with
our state Legislature.
makes me wonder if this is an issue that is all too much like immigration
reform in Congress. I suspect many members of the Capitol Hill club aren’t
going to concern themselves with it, until they see that their inaction will
cost them significant numbers of Latino votes and send some of their members
back home in defeat.
when the people stop being eyes-glossed-over-with-numbers bored and become
outraged at inaction is when our officials will finally get around to fixing up
this mess.
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