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EMANUEL: Using decades old tactics |
idea was to encourage companies to quit doing business in the nation with its
apartheid system of laws that rivaled anything that occurred in this country
under “Jim Crow.”
ENOUGH BIG companies to quit doing business there, and maybe the South African government
would be swayed to eliminate its legalized form that mandated segregation along
racial lines – and gave the bulk of that country to its 10 percent minority of
white people.
can remember many of my college-aged counterparts back in the early and
mid-1980s partaking in divestiture protests – and spewing out a line of
rhetoric that might even get the more outraged among us in a “Free Nelson
Mandela!” chant.
it really swayed many people is something I have always wondered.
usually got the young Republican types all worked up into hissy fits. How dare
anyone try to tell big business what to do with their investments –
particularly if it was on behalf of someone that the rhetoric back then
denounced as a “Communist sympathizer.”
IT IS with some skepticism that I point out that our “beloved” mayor, Rahm the
First, is now using the “D” word as part of his own crusade – that effort he
talked about last week to use the City Council to urge other governments to
crack down on assault weapons.
Emanuel used a speech in Washington to the Center for American Progress Action
Fund to say that he wants mayors all across the United States to check out
their city pension programs.
see what kinds of companies those programs have money invested in. Because
pension programs usually have a wide variety of investments in hopes that they
will grow enough to provide the money needed to pay out all those future
retirement benefits.
it turns out that any of those companies are manufacturers of those automatic
weapons with large-ammo magazines and are capable of spewing shots at several
hundred per minute – then Emanuel would say that they should be dumped.
CLAIMING HE does not want his city government benefitting financially from
assault weapons – as though such money were tainted in the blood of the
casualties of urban violence.
is kind of funny, considering that our mayor is the mighty Rahmbo – and I doubt
that actor Sylvester Stallone’s “John Rambo” character would give one whit
about such things. For that character has used so many of these weapons in his
movies where he battles everything from venal cops to the Red Army.
back to Rahmbo, who probably hopes that “divestiture” will become a hip concept
again amongst the young of our society.
he literally envision pickets and protests to sway big business to dump any
investments they have that might even remotely have a tie to firearms? Would we
even get the firearms fanatics all worked up?
THEY’LL RESURRECT the rhetoric of old against divestiture – and try to claim
that putting firearms manufacturers out of business is some sort of “Communist”
wonder if the modern-day youth are too tied to Facebook or Twitter to have any
time to go out and protest anything. Although I once saw a group promoting serious
immigration reform whose idea of a “protest rally” was to get some 500 people
in a room and have them simultaneously e-mail their members of Congress to urge
them to do something about the issue.
that is what we’re in store for here. Just think of a massive Twitter statement
– a whole bunch of Twits sending out Tweets telling people to dump their
firearms investments.
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