Monday, August 10, 2009

EXTRA: His ego is a twitchin’

It seems he just can’t get those chants of “Roland, Roland, Roland” out of his head.

For now it seems that Sen. Roland Burris, D-Ill., thinks he can change his mind and go ahead and run for election to his own six-year term in the Senate – even though he said last month he will retire after next year.

ABC NEWS IS debuting a new series of interviews with Washington-type political geeks, and they are premiering it Monday with their interview of Burris, who says that people from all across the United States are contacting him to tell him, “Don’t give up that seat.”

Are there really people eagerly begging Roland to remain in the U.S. Senate, or is our state’s junior senator starting to hear voices telling him to do crazy things, such as run for national political office when he is showing next to no ability to raise funds for a campaign in 2010.

Burris will forevermore be known as the “$845 Man” after managing to raise that piddly little amount of campaign cash during the first three months of this year (a legitimate campaigner would have brought in closer to $1 million).

It was that reality that got through to Burris when he made his retirement announcement last month. It would seem it is the ego running amok that now gets Burris to say he may change his mind.

THAT IS WHAT motivates Burris to say “never say never,” which is a James Bond film I have come to detest solely because its title has turned into a half-wit cliché for political people who can’t be decisive.

After all, Giannoulias vs. Kirk will be a crazed enough political campaign in 2010. Do we really need Roland running around to complicate the mess even further?


EDITOR’S NOTE: How many times will Roland Burris change his mind about what to do ( come the 2010 elections?

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