Monday, August 10, 2009

Everybody thinks they need their very own website – even Governor Milorod

Rod Blagojevich, who has morphed himself into a radio talk show host who makes shameless television appearances and will soon come out with a self-serving book, is now trying to spin how wonderful he is on the Internet.

Perhaps it was just a matter of time.

TOO MANY PEOPLE, including many who really have nothing worthwhile to say, feel the need to have an Internet presence. Now, the former governor does as well.

The website came into existence on Sunday (21 years to the date after Blagojevich’s beloved Chicago Cubs played their first regulation home game at night). It would seem that is meant to promote the media appearances that the former governor is making in an attempt to rehabilitate his public image.

In fact, the website is an offshoot of the Internet presence maintained by The PublicityAgency, the Tampa, Fla.-based PR firm that is getting paid significant sums of money to make Milorod look good.

Now I know this website should not be taken too seriously. It has the look of a site whose content will be written by somebody on Rod’s behalf.

IN FACT, MUCH of the content is literally a listing of Rod’s radio programs on WLS-AM, along with an accounting of his TV snippets and self-promotion for his book – which is scheduled to hit the bookstores in September.

It’s not like Rod is going to be personally sitting in his living room/home office giving us his deepest thoughts on issues of public significance.

In fact, the part of the site that amuses me the most is at the top of the right-hand column. It is a link to a list of e-mail addresses that one can use theoretically to contact Blagojevich.

It runs under the subhead of “Tell Rod what’s bugging you…”

HOW MANY PEOPLE are going to use this website solely for the purpose of sending Milorod an e-mail message something along the lines of “You Are, you &$$#@!*” as an answer to that particular question?

If you think I’m exaggerating, take into account the numbers of people who felt the need to respond to’s attempts to take early orders for Blagojevich’s upcoming book by attaching special tags such as “moron” or “hairbrush” to the site.

There’s just something about the Internet that inspires anonymous halfwits to show they have no higher an IQ than the governor whom they have come to despise.

So what should we do about this website? I say the best thing to do would be to ignore it.

BY NOT GIVING it a lot of eyeballs, we reduce the chance that the PR types who are behind the site’s existence will get any ideas that they can make any money off of an Internet presence tied to Blagojevich.

I’d hate to see them make even penny one off of someone actually clicking on the link in the right-hand column to learn how to advertise on Blagojevich’s site.

Beyond that, there’s nothing here that I’d want to see. I don’t need Blagojevich’s website in order to listen to his radio appearances (and no, I haven’t been in the practice of listening to his radio program on the actual radio).

In fact, about as far as I’m willing to go with promoting Blagojevich’s self-attempts at boosting his public image is to admit I probably will read his book.

I’M NOT SURE I feel the need to buy it (even if I can get it at something resembling the discount price of $16.47 that Amazon is offering it for these days), even though I did buy a copy of Elizabeth Brackett’s “Pay to Play” book about Blagojevich.

This may be one book that inspires me to make a trip to the public library to borrow a copy.

And no, I don’t mean borrow as in taking ‘60’s radical Abbie Hoffman’s advice to “steal” the book, or vandalize it. I’m not that petty.

If anything, the book will give us a better handle on how delusional the one-time governor is, since those who have had early readings of the manuscript contend he does a lot of quoting of people with “deep” thoughts so as to make it appear that he is more intellectually inspired than he truly is.

AFTER THAT, I can wait for the Blagojevich trial to come to fruition before I give the former governor much more thought.

So even though I try to maintain a respectable “link list” of websites related to Chicago and our local cultural and political scenes, I didn’t feel a need Sunday to add Blagojevich’s website to the “… & politics” portion of this site.

It’s bad enough that a link to the site is contained within this commentary for those of you who want to see it for yourself.


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