Monday, May 6, 2019

Weekend of holidaze?

You might not have been aware; but this weekend that is now concluded was loaded with holidays.

Events that I suspect most of us weren’t really aware of. And even if we did, I suspect we did things and engaged in activities that were little more than trivial.
Mexican 'Day of the Dead' imagery, combined with Star Wars visuals
FOR I’M REFERRING to Cinco de Mayo, which is a legitimate holiday honoring an event of great significance in Mexico’s history. But way too many people go out of their way to celebrate by eating “Americanized” tacos and drinking too much tequila or margaritas.

That holiday was Sunday. And I saw far too many notices for assorted taverns that make it clear they viewed the day as an excuse for drink specials meant to get potential customers into their establishments.

Where they can get them to spend more and more money while drinking more than would be advised.

Of course, if we think that is too trivial a way to spend the day, I can’t help but think it’s downright serious compared to Saturday – which was Star Wars Day.

A DAY MEANT to give all of the fans of the Star Wars films a chance to celebrate and act as though there is nothing incredibly geeky or lame about the world in which they like to indulge themselves.

Personally, it strikes me as being about as phony as the fact that Feb. 9 was regarded as National Pizza Day – which I’m sure the restaurant industry thinks is fully legitimate if it can get people to eat out at their local pizzeria (and spend money too).

Saturday got the designation as being Star Wars Day because it calls on May 4 – which fanatics of the film think is all too apropos because, in their minds, it sounds just like “May the force be with you.” The cliché phrase that Star Wars fans think is some sort of philosophy with great meaning in everyday life.

Although I’ll give proponents of this holiday one bit of praise – at least they’re not making a “special” day out of something like Confederate Memorial Day (which will be Friday in South Carolina); celebrating those who were prepared to undermine the U.S.’s existence to support chattel slavery and their own hang-ups over who “belongs” here.

BUT SATURDAY WAS a day for those people who have spent far too much time following the Star Wars films and have made a point of viewing them every chance they get.

Something that I must admit I haven’t done. I saw the original film when it came out in the movie theaters, along with the sequel. But I never viewed any of the follow-up films as being required viewing, and in fact haven’t seen the most recent of them at all. And don’t feel like I’ve had any loss in my life as a result.

So I suppose the point of Saturday was lost on me. It certainly wasn’t a holiday designed with me in mind. And for all I know, the Star Wars geeks probably wonder why I pay any attention to something like baseball (where I couldn’t help but notice on Friday when I went to a ballgame, the Chicago White Sox were selling t-shirts that combined team imagery along with Star Wars characters).

Perhaps the key to the White Sox’ rebuild into a championship-quality ball club is that they can gain a mastery of the so-called force that supposedly controls all aspects of life?

BUT WHILE I find Star Wars Day to be semi-humorous in its triviality, what came the following day almost offends me.

For the fact is that May 5 in Mexican history commemorates the events of 1862 when an insurgency movement attacked a military garrison in Puebla, near Mexico City. It was in that era when France tried to regain a colonial presence in the Americas, and thought that the uncertainty caused in Mexico following the 1840s Mexican-American War left it susceptible to being taken over.
As ridiculous as the holiday itself

Cinco de Mayo commemorates a military victory that inspired the Mexican people to think they were capable of standing up to the major world powers. The very spirit that is meant to be celebrated by those people wishing to show off their spirit of Mexicanidad. And which offends the sensibilities of those people who most approve of this Age of Trump our society is now in.

Which certainly doesn’t sound anything like the people who partook in the piñata party cruise held Sunday afternoon by the Chicago Yacht Events had in mind as they sailed around Lake Michigan,


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