Tuesday, April 23, 2019

EXTRA: Voters get government level they deserve, particularly on a coin flip

I almost feel sorry for Beth Zupon, who went through the ordeal of a political campaign to run for a village trustee post in suburban Sauk Village – only to learn from the “tails” side of a coin on Tuesday that she’s a loser.
Eagle side settled tie in suburban Sauk Village

In the municipal elections held earlier this month, Zupon and Gary Bell both managed to get 288 votes cast for them for an open seat on the Board of Trustees.

WHICH LED TO Cook County clerk’s officials on Tuesday settling the matter of an electoral winner in that ultimate example of randomness – they flipped a coin.

Which led to Bell calling “tails,” and prevailing. Zupon – who actually had served the past couple of years filling a trustee vacancy – is out! It must stink to go through the legal process of trying to win an election, then falling oh so short!

But it’s not like residents of Sauk Village (the far southeasternmost corner of Cook County – bordering against Indiana and rural Will County, Ill.) will have much to complain about.

Because the real story of this election cycle was the voter turnout. It stunk!

FOR THOSE PEOPLE appalled by the fact that only one-third of registered voters in Chicago bothered to turn out to cast ballots for the mayoral run-off election held April 2, Sauk Village was worse.
Isolated and uninterested?

Only 9 percent felt compelled to vote on Election Day. Meaning a whole lot of people couldn’t be bothered to cast ballots. So seeing that their municipal government’s leadership be resolved by a coin flip?

It really is evidence of the old axiom that people tend to get the quality of government they deserve.

In their voter apathy, Sauk Village showed itself uninterested in taking the time to pick credible officials for higher office. Thereby leaving the decision of a village trustee up to the Eagle side of a silver dollar rather than that of Lady Liberty.


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