Wednesday, April 17, 2019

EXTRA: A new 'Notre Dame' for the hunchback of literary, film legend?

The hunchback
Just a (light-hearted) thought to ponder in these days as people are rummaging through the religious relics that were kept at the Cathedral of Notre Dame to see how much is salvageable while officials prepare for a years-long restoration of the centuries-old church.

Will the famed Hunchback from author Victor Hugo's novel have to find a new home?
The '96 Disney incarnation

WILL HE HAVE to take up residence in South Bend, Ind., where he would become a presence on the college campus? Perhaps he could become a sidekick to the famed Notre Dame leprechaun mascot at Fighting Irish football games?

Then again in this Age of Trump, I suspect officials would probably declare him to be unfit for resident alien status, and would refuse to grant him a visa that would allow him to enter the United States!

On a more serious note, there were those who chose to show solidarity with the church damaged in a fire Monday morning with the ringing of church bells Wednesday -- along with those who already have felt compelled to already contribute more than $1 billion of their own (collective) money to help pay for a future restoration.
Will the hunchback join in the jig?


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