Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Donald and Mississippi? I’d rather take a trip to Punxsutawney, Pa.

Whose trading card is … 
I couldn’t help but be amused by the latest attempt by Donald Trump to have a political fundraiser – he’s offering up a raffle, with the grand prize being a trip to Mississippi!

Of course, the president himself will be in the “Magnolia State” come Monday, and the point of such a prize is that you get to meet Trump himself.

AS THOUGH YOUR life had absolutely no meaning until that moment when you found yourself within the presence of The Donald himself.  Whoo-boy. I know I certainly have little to no interest of winning that prize.
… more impressive?

Perhaps it is because I have covered many political rallies throughout the years to realize there’s a certain phoniness to their content – regardless of whom the government official is who is trying to deliver their partisan message to the public.

Or in the case of Trump, to a crowd of political partisans who want to hear nothing but the message that The Donald intends to deliver. Which will be something along the lines of his own wonderfulness and the “magnitude of me.”

Although perhaps I should apologize for the allusion to Reggie Jackson, the 1970s slugger who was always eager to discuss just how wonderful a ballplayer he was.
No question here -- a Reggie Bar is much more memorable … 
BECAUSE NO MATTER how full of it you thought Reg-gie was all those decades ago, he was a part of five World Series-winning teams in that decade, had that one World Series game in 1977 when he hit three straight pitches for home runs AND managed to get a candy bar named after him.

What has ever been named after Trump, except for a batch of ugly buildings that besmirch the reputations of their local communities?
… than a Trump Hotel, particularly the one in Chicago
Anyway, Trump is trying to draw attention to the political rally scheduled for Monday night in Mississippi. The one in which he’s trying to tout the candidacy of Cindy Hyde-Smith, the Republican running against Democrat Mike Espy for a seat in the U.S. Senate.

The two are engaged in a run-off, and Trump hopes his presence can draw out a few more votes on behalf of a candidate (Smith) he expects to be an ally in Congress.

EVEN THOUGH THE elections of earlier this month have already ensured that Republicans will run the U.S. Senate, there’s no doubt in my mind Trump is insecure enough he sees the need for as many allies as possible. Why win by one or two votes when you can drub the opposition into defeat every single time?!?

Which also is why Trump is trying to portray the event as some sort of “historic” event.

I’m not kidding. An e-mail message his campaign sent to me (out of some delusional hopes I’d cough up some cash and support) says it is the, “President’s huge MAGA Rally.”

And in exchange for a $5 donation, one could have their name entered in a rally. The winner gets a ticket for two to attend the rally, along with a flight to Mississippi, a hotel stay AND a photograph taken with the Trumpster himself.

BIG WHOOP!, IS my own personal reaction. I certainly didn’t feel compelled to enter myself into the rally, which – by the way – had a deadline of 11:59 p.m. Friday. Meaning by the time you read this, it’s too late to even fantasize about entering.
The new Trump-affiliated hotel in Mississippi
I just can’t think much of this particular prize – especially since it may merely mean a stay at the Scion Hotels of Cleveland, Miss. – which is a newly-opened division of the Trump Hotels chain.

It’s not like this prize is costing Trump much financially. I suspect the whole thing provides yet another tax write-off of the type that will mean the millionaire (or is he a billionaire?) executive will owe even less in taxes to the government.

Plus, all those $5 donations from Trump partisans can add up to real money; thereby further bolstering Trump’s 2020 campaign re-election fund. Everybody wins! Everybody that is, except for the masses who have to listen to him spew even more nonsense political rhetoric.


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