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McCARTHY: Cracking down on 'dibs' |
or no?
IN SHOULD people be allowed to stake out a parking spot near their homes and
claim it for their own, just because they managed to clear it of snowfall.
it also was a day for many of the mayoral aspirants to file their nominating
petitions to get on the ballot, it meant candidates got the question put to
them – yea or nay?
no pussyfooting about how it’s a stupid non-issue meant to divert attention
away from serious problems confronting Chicago. Which is the way I feel about
the issue – a stance that I’m sure will cause some to want to mock me.
the record, most of the candidates tried to get out of answering the question,
but ultimately wound up deciding that people have a right to stake a claim to a
parking spot come winter weather.
EXCEPT FOR Garry McCarthy – the one-time law enforcement official from metro New
York who came to Chicago to be police superintendent, then got fired by
soon-to-be-former Mayor Rahm Emanuel to try to divert criticism from himself
over the police shooting death of teenager Laquan McDonald.
is likely to be he preferred mayoral candidate of those people eager to express
support for law-and-order and police above all others, and who see anything
less than such an extreme attitude as being chaos run amok upon our society.
on this issue, he came out in favor of cracking down on people who think they
have a “right” to a particular parking space.
a bad idea. It causes conflict. Anything that causes conflict, I think, is a
bad idea,” McCarthy told reporter-type people.
I’LL BE the first to admit that it’s a total pain in the behind to have to use
a shovel to clear one’s car free from heavy snowfall. It takes time, it can be
freezing, and one comes off totally soaking wet – then having to get into the
car and tend to whatever business they’re doing.
then come back home to find out someone else took the space for their own
automobile? I can comprehend how some people would be p-o’ed.
it’s one of the realities of urban life. Parking one’s car is always a problem.
If you want to have a guarantee of a private spot, then you have to pay for it.
that, or go move to a suburban area, or some part of the country where snowfall
just isn’t much of an issue. My guess is that if you go out there, you’ll find
out just how preferable your life situation is better off here, and your
complaints about winter-time parking will come off as downright petty.
THERE ARE those people who want to view it as some sort of inherent right,
somewhere along their ability to own a firearm, to have a personal parking spot
and stake a claim to it. Almost as though they think they’re 19th
Century prospectors panning for gold in isolated spots.
I have no doubt that McCarthy’s comments, no matter how trivial they truly are,
will instigate some people to vote against him, Heck, I’ve already seen one anonymous
commenter label McCarthy a “communist.”
I’m sure would grossly offend Sen. Joe of Wisconsin, as though his name were
being taken in vain.
the fact that some voters will make their Feb. 26 decision based off of the
early Monday snowfall is the fact that actually grossly offends me – quite possibly
more than those who think they have the right to vandalize a car that dared to
park in a spot they think is theirs!
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