Thursday, August 16, 2018

A Hoosier to speak to Illinois Dems at partisan rally of Illinois State Fair?

My initial reaction to learning of the replacement speaker at the Democratic Party’s annual brunch held in conjunction with Democrat Day was a touch of surprise.
Is Buttigieg really a step down as speaker...

Former Vice President Joe Biden was supposed to do the honors, which had some partisans speculating how this could be the beginning of his own dreams of running for president come 2020. It was stirring up significant response.

BUT THEN BIDEN became ill, and had to cancel. Which led to the mayor of South Bend, Ind., being called upon to do the keynote speaker duties. A Hoosier? In Illinois!

Of course, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg isn’t your standard issue municipal official of absolutely no significance beyond the boundaries of his particular city.

Buttigieg is among the few politicos in this country who is open about his sexual orientation. In fact, his marriage earlier this year to long-time partner Chasten Glezman warranted a write-up in the New York Times – usually an honor reserved for the old money elite; who all-too-often are amongst the Republican ranks.

Albeit the types of Republicans who find themselves repulsed by the vulgar behavior of our current president.

SO PERHAPS BUTTIGIEG is appropo to speak to a rally meant to get Democrats in Illinois all riled up enough to care about voting come the Nov. 6 Election Day and in election cycles of the future.

For Buttigieg, who has been mayor of the city many of us think of merely as the home of the University of Notre Dame (even though the school technically is in the nearby municipality of Notre Dame, Ind.) since 2012, is a name that often gets thrown into the mix of people who may be challenging Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election. Barack Obama himself has included Buttigieg as a part of the "future" of the Democratic Party.

Always with the addition of a sentence saying Buttigieg would be the “first openly-gay U.S. president, if elected.”
… compared to Biden, who may be too old

I’m sure those who attend the Democratic brunch will try to claim they’re partaking in history by witnessing the event. While I’m sure those attending the state fair proper will go out of their way to ignore anything Buttigieg has to say, preferring to focus attention on the Butter Cow.

I COULDN’T HELP but notice one person who bothered to post a link on Facebook to the Buttigieg wedding story as a way of letting people know just what kind of person Democrats were using to speak at their big rally.

Even though the part I find ironic is that we’ll be hearing from a Hoosier; a species of Midwesterners who oft like to think they’re somehow going to get all of Illinois’ assets to move east across State Line Road.

Now, we’re going to be asked to cheer for one of those people, who can’t even seem to agree on an explanation of why they’re called “Hoosiers” to begin with.

But it could make for an interesting Thursday in Springfield, particularly compared with the Governor’s Day activities that occurred at the Illinois State Fairgrounds on Wednesday.

WATCHING GOV. BRUCE Rauner try to appear to be everyman at a time when many of the rank-and-file partisans of the Republican Party are eager to dump his keister (while also trying to figure out a way of keeping Democratic gubernatorial nominee J.B. Pritzker from prevailing) wasn’t anywhere near as amusing as one might think it is.
Buttigieg will offend those who like Age of Trump

Besides, it kind of fit in with a Chicago Tribune story published Wednesday about the Tuesday primaries held in several other states.

Ones in which Vermont Democrats picked a transgender person to run for governor, Minnesota Dems chose a woman who is of Somali ethnic origins to run for Congress, while Connecticut nominated a black woman to go to D.C. on their behalf. Diversity all dominant.

Compared to Republicans, who managed to nominate several people fully in line with Donald Trump, including in Minnesota, where Tim Pawlenty’s desire for a political comeback failed – and he’s now the man who once dreamed of being President of the United States, only to become yet another casualty of the Age of Trump.


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