Friday, July 13, 2018

Political people seem never to learn about using failed campaign tactics

GOP would rather 'Fire Madigan!'...
It has been a constant of electoral politics amongst Republicans in Illinois during the 21st century – Mike Madigan represents evil and all that is wrong with our state, and the key to success is to knock him out of political control.

Of course, Madigan has been in the General Assembly for nearly a half-century, has been Illinois House speaker for most of the past four decades, and all the cheap trash talk about “Fire Madigan!” hasn’t gone anywhere in recent electoral cycles.

… rather than study Rauner flaws
YET THAT ISN’T stopping the Illinois Republican Party, the one stuck with a gubernatorial nominee who’s most definitely unpopular amongst the rank-and-file of the GOP, from continuing to tread down this path.

The Republicans of the Illinois House on Thursday came up with their campaign strategy – touting what they’re calling a “People’s Pledge” that asks all Republican officials to show their loyalty to the one-time Party of Lincoln by promising two things:

·        Term limits for anyone serving in a legislative post or other statewide government office, and
·        Refusing to support the idea of letting Madigan have yet another two-year term as Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives.
Is this really a successful political strategy?

It seems the part of the Republican Party that used to take great pride is claiming to be all about the ideals of “favorite son” President Abraham Lincoln is now more committed to the ideals of “dumping” Madigan.

Who admittedly has as one of his ideals using his political influence to ensure that Chicago gets its fair share of whatever services and funding Illinois is capable of providing.

WHICH IS A large part of why I personally can say I support Madigan’s continued role within state government – in an era when we have Republican officials in this state who’d like to think the state should be cracking down on the influence of its major city, Madigan’s hardball political tactics may be what keeps the state from being run roughshod over.
Probably has this t-shirt tucked away in dresser drawer

Perhaps they’d prefer the style of the Barack Obama presidency – whom a recent poll said was thought of to be the best presidency of recent times. Which struck me as odd – unless the poll was taken amongst no one except 10-year-olds.

For as much as the Obama era was based in some high-minded ideals, the reality is that Obama wasn’t capable of standing up to the partisan tactics of a national GOP that was determined to undermine him.

And which now is fully supportive of an Age of Trump determined to erase any traces that Obama ever existed. Of course, these are the same people all offended these days that Gov. Bruce Rauner not only attended, but officiated over, a wedding ceremony between two men.
Do modern-day Ill. Republicans think much ...

PERHAPS WE’D HAVE some lasting traces of the Obama presidency if that administration had someone more like Madigan in a position of authority. And while current Mayor Rahm Emanuel may have been a chief of staff during the Obama Years, his time in that post was too short to have a lasting effect.

So now, we’re going to hear over and over about this “People’s Pledge” and the idea that all our problems would be solved if we’d merely “Fire Madigan.” Although the same tactics were used by Republicans in the 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 election cycles – and they didn’t seem to work then.

Is the Illinois Republican Party determined to keep trying this tactic, then try to rewrite history in the future to claim it was successful all along – except that certain voters didn’t pay attention?
… of either of the state's 'favorite sons?'

What actually bothers them is that they remember the days of not all that long ago when Illinois had four consecutive governors of the Republican persuasion. They also remember that two-year stint (1995 and ’96) when all of Illinois government was Republican-run, from Jim Edgar as governor all the way down through the constitutional offices and the state Legislature.

THEY MAY LONG for the brief interlude of when Madigan himself was reduced to the role of “Illinois House minority leader,” and we actually had the concept of “Illinois House Speaker Lee Daniels of Elmhurst.”
DANIELS: The Illinois one, that is

Although Daniels is now long-gone from the political scene, and I suspect when most people hear that name, they think I’m referring to the guy who directed the 2013 film “The Butler.”

I’m not claiming Illinois must have Mike Madigan in a position of authority in order to exist. The day will come, and likely not that far off in the future (Madigan is 76) when the “esteemed” Mr. Speaker will depart.

I just don’t think recycling the same, failed campaign tactics of demonizing Madigan are going to be what ultimately hastens the man’s departure.


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