Friday, June 15, 2018

EXTRA: All-too-predictable, City Council gets new Latina member

Mayor Rahm Emanuel made a pick Friday to fill an aldermanic vacancy, and it seems that Hizzoner made about as safe an establishment pick as possible.

TABARES: Latest to move up to alderman
The new alderman of the 23rd Ward on the city’s Southwest Side is Silvana Tabares, who for the past five years served as a state legislator – a member of the Illinois House of Representatives covering one of those city districts that spills over a tiny bit into the surrounding suburbs.

WHICH IS WHY most Chicago-types regard a move from the General Assembly to the City Council as a political promotion – they no longer have to concern themselves with suburban issues.

Plus, they no longer have to worry about maintaining a part-time residence in Springfield or making the trip to work at the Statehouse. Unlike most municipal official types who’d view a state Legislature as a promotion of sorts from the mundane local issues they deal with.

But Tabares’ promotion was predictable in other ways. She replaces Mike Zalewski, who resigned his post last month because of the changing demographics of the ward.

The one-time ethnic composition that looked favorably upon a Polish-American person as one of their own no longer does so. The ward has about two-thirds Latino population (heavily Mexican-American, to be exact).
Emanuel and Madigan strengthen their hold … 

IN THAT REGARD, Tabares will fit in much better, while also boosting the number of Latino aldermen to 12 (roughly one-quarter of the council’s composition). Something that will allow Emanuel to bolster his credentials amongst Latino voters – whom he’s hoping will be a significant part of the voter base that keeps him in office for a third term come the 2019 election cycle.

It even helps boost the chances of Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, since Tabares is also the state central committeewoman from the 3rd Congressional District – where she is the party counterpart to Madigan himself, who serves as the district’s committeeman. She's definitely not a "radical activist" type of politico.
… on power with their actions

Don’t be surprised if people start touting Tabares’ advancement to alderman as evidence that Madigan is of benefit to women and their political advancement.

What with all the Democratic officials who are providing tidbits of dirt that lean in the direction of sexual harassment, people will use everything they can to help cleanse up their image. While the political establishment manages to strengthen its hold on power in the process.


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