Thursday, January 11, 2018

The ‘Trump Way’ of immigration crackdowns? Harassing 7-Eleven stores

Perhaps we shouldn’t be the least bit surprised that federal Immigration officials conducted on Wednesday what they’re billing as a major initiative in their effort to find non-U.S. citizens working in this country who don’t have the legitimate permits to do so.

ICE raids on dozens of 7-Elevens natiionwide
They’re raiding 7-Eleven convenience stores.

WHICH SOUNDS LIKE a notion that ought to be a joke; a bad punchline; something along the lines of a third-rate “The Simpsons” episode in which long-time Kwik-E-Mart operator Apu Nahasapeemapetilon gets deported.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials actually did raid some 100 7-Eleven convenience stores on Wednesday – of which 5 were in Chicago. The point was that immigration officials went into each joint, disrupted the sale of Slurpees and other junk food, and went out of their way to verify that every single person working in that particular store actually had the proper work permits required of non-U.S. citizens.

Officials made a point of saying they weren’t looking to do large-scale arrests on Wednesday, but that fines or criminal charges could arise against people who couldn’t show the proper papers.

The Associated Press reported that ICE officials described Wednesday’s activity as “the first of many” and “a harbinger of what’s to come” as ideologue-minded people seek some sort of act implying that we’re kicking foreigners out of jobs and trying to make their lives here so uncomfortable that they’ll want to leave this country.

PERSONALLY, I FIND the whole concept more laughable than anything else. It borders on harassment. It is something that if we think about it too much, it ought to make us ashamed of ourselves.

So, of course, the ideologues prefer not to think about it too much!

A part of me wonders if Wednesday’s actions were an off-the-cuff reaction to the immigration policy rhetoric of Tuesday.

President Donald Trump engaged in his cheap-talk of a “bill of love” to create a wall along the U.S./Mexico border, which I’m sure he intended to be tough talk to appease the more narrow-minded of our society who can’t handle the presence of anyone who isn’t exactly like themselves.

Is our society safer as a result?
BUT TUESDAY ENDED with a federal judge in San Francisco striking down the effort last year by Trump to erase the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals people. The ones that Trump, out of the kindness of his heart (heavy sarcasm most definitely intended) would not move forward with deporting until March.

So after being told his initiative to get rid of DACA is full of caca, federal officials respond by doing third-rate crackdowns meant to make it seem they’re protecting our nation from Indian nationals who are working the convenience stores of our society.

The ones providing the over-priced and over-taxed cigarettes that some of us seem to demand in our lives. Seriously, whenever I stop in a convenience store to pick up a newspaper or an occasional can of Coca-Cola, it seems all the people ahead of me in line are getting their “smokes” – and invariably complaining about the ridiculous prices charged these days.

Are these jobs ringing up a convenience store cash register the ones that “foreigners” are stealing from “real Americans?”

OR WAS THIS all about giving Trump types a sense of “victory” on the issue of immigration, rather than have them focus on how Trump’s efforts to eradicate the Barack Obama-era DACA policy (meant to allow young people making a contribution to society to remain in this country) have been thwarted, and it most likely that the inability of Congress to figure out how to resolve the issue long-term means nothing will change for the foreseeable future.

How many bad Apu imitations were done Wednesday?
Which makes much of the immigration-related rhetoric cheap and like something out of a “The Simpsons” episode.

Then again, even The Simpsons managed to find a little bit of sense when addressing the issue. For let’s not forget that when Apu finally broke down and took the citizenship test, his knowledge of our nation wound up being better than that of the long-time natives of the cartoon-land of Springfield.


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