Wednesday, January 17, 2018

EXTRA: Ives a movement, or nobody?

Just in case you think I'm underestimating the chances of Republican gubernatorial hopeful Jeanne Ives, a new poll released Wednesday would make it seem that Bruce Rauner is likely to win at least his primary bid for nomination to be in the Nov. 6 general election.

The poll conducted by the We Ask America organization indicates Rauner has 64.59 percent support -- and the Ives people would like us to think that is because the rest of Republicandom is solidly behind her.

BUT IT SEEMS the state senator from Wheaton only has 20.51 percent support -- with a remaining 14.9 percent being undecided.

Also not faring well for Ives is the fact that when asked their general of Ives, the most common response was "never heard of." Some 68.43 percent had that response. Only 13.92 percent gave her a favorable ranking.

Of course, just as those people who are determined to view Donald Trump favorably no matter how much of a rube he behaves as, I don't doubt the 13.92 percent are hard-core enough to think only their opinion matters.

It seems Ives has a long way to go to let potential voters even know she exists, if she's to have any chance of avoiding becoming a political nobody come March 21 -- as in the day after the Republican primary.


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