Tuesday, December 19, 2017

EXTRA: Could Pence make Middle East trip? Trump's holiday "surprise?"

PENCE: Middle East, or Indy, for holiday?
Vice President Mike Pence made a point of rescheduling his journey to the Middle East for mid-January, since he wants to be on hand for when the Senate takes its vote on the tax plan desired by President Donald Trump to benefit the more wealthy amongst us who feel ever-so-overtaxed.

Yet with the House of Representatives giving its approval Tuesday afternoon, making it possible for a Senate vote Tuesday night, it may seem that Pence could still make his overseas travel.

OR WILL HE prefer the thought of a Hoosier Christmas? Returning to his home state of Indiana for the holidays.
Trump's holiday surprise? His alter ego?

For the record, Republican leadership says they pushed to take the final vote on the Trump tax plan so that it could be sent to the president for final consideration prior to Christmas.

Which literally could make it possible that Trump acts to sign the measure into law on Christmas. His "gift" to Americans? Or his "screw you" to the majority of people who didn't vote for him!

Which would truly make Donald J. the 21st Century equivalent of the "Grinch who stole Christmas." It's just too bad we can't find a "Cindy Lou Who" who can shame him into a sense of decency.


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