Saturday, August 5, 2017

Rahm wants federal cts to fight against Trump's 'hot air' on immigration

Odd timing, to say the least, to learn of Chicago’s intentions under Mayor Rahm Emanuel to take the federal government to court what with the hostile and threatening rhetoric being spewed during this Age of Trump with regards to immigration.
I'm sure that Rahm Emanuel ...

For it comes at the same time that Cook County government is planning to sue the people who fought so hard to challenge the legitimacy of the pop tax. The county wants the months’ worth of revenues they otherwise would have collected during July from such a tax.

BUT JUST AS carbonated beverages create a gassy condition, one can also claim that the Trump administration, through its Justice Department, has also been full of hot air every time it talks about immigration policy and the way some cities – including Chicago – show support for the immigrants through “sanctuary city” status.

President Donald J. Trump has let it be known he wants to start penalizing those municipal governments that won’t hop into line with his rhetoric – which is meant to appeal to the segment of our society determined to live in bigotry.

Many of those people live in isolated communities of this nation, and in fact it wouldn’t shock me to learn that many of the people who chose to live in Chicago did so to escape such narrow-minded people like these.

Anyway, we’ve been hearing months’ worth of threats about how federal funding provided to the city will be cut – unless the city stops its policies that restrict the ability of local police to get involved in areas of the law involving immigration policy.

WHICH, AFTER ALL, is a federal issue that local officials really are not the least bit qualified to handle. No more than we’d want Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to be involved in the daily investigations of the homicides occurring in the city.

Emanuel this week said he plans to have attorneys argue in U.S. District Court that the U.S. government cannot tamper with Byrne grant funds from cities it is upset with.
... can find a judge somewhere in this complex ...

As the Chicago Tribune reported Friday, those particular grants are used to buy squad cars for the Police Department. It’s not a large sum of money at stake.

Which makes this more about the principle of the issue – getting a federal judge in Chicago to tell the president to back off his harassment. Which, admittedly, is being done largely to score bonus points for the president amongst his ideologue followers.

JUST AS WHEN Trump early on in his presidency tried to impose his travel restrictions against people from certain Middle East countries from being able to enter the United States, the federal courts came up with judges willing to thwart the president’s ideological, nativist desires.

I’m sure there is a federal judge working in the Dirksen/Kluczynski complex who will be more than willing to view Emanuel as a daily part of his/her legal life – while the president is just some esoteric concept who complains that his government-issued mansion in D.C. is “a dump.”

Any real resolution of this issue (whether cities have the right to refuse full compliance with the whims of federal immigration officials) is going to be decided at a higher level.

Maybe even possibly the Supreme Court of the United States – which probably is going to become preoccupied in coming years with determining just how much of Trump’s rants and “tweets from a twit” that he tries to impose into law have any legitimacy.

WHICH MAKES THE use of the local federal courts the same as the lawsuit the county is pursuing to pressure the anti-tax activist types to back off their opposition to the pop tax.
... to tell Trump to 'stifle' himself on immigration

Maybe it’s a form of legal intimidation. Or maybe it’s using the system to try to prevent others from abusing their authority. Which is what many view Trump’s efforts on immigration policy to really be all about.

Yes, the pop tax is about raising more government funds through a fee on the sale of carbonated beverages – those that can make us let out a loud belch.

Which, when you come to think about it, is about the same reaction I feel every time I think of the Trump administration’s efforts to use peoples’ nativist attitudes against immigrants to try to lessen the record-low disapproval ratings they are garnering.


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