Saturday, March 4, 2017

EXTRA: We're 180!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Chicago!

For an ol' gal of 180, you're holding up quite well, no matter what incredibly derogatory comments the current U.S. president continues to make about you. Probably because he's jealous that he doesn't have local ties to our city like the previous president did (and no, that ugly tower he erected on the shores of our namesake river doesn't count as a local tie).
YES, IT IS the 180th anniversary of the date upon which Chicago was officially incorporated as a city. It is a place that could easily have been wiped off the map following its Great Fire at age 34. Instead, it rebuilt itself into a place that truly qualifies as one of the intriguing cities on Planet Earth.

And we can now start the countdown, 20 years and counting, 'til we can have Bicentennial celebrations for the Second City (which may actually have sunk to 4th by the time that date comes about).

Not that it matters much; because many of us will always enjoy the wonders that exist at the southwest corner of the shores of Lake Michigan.

And now, we'll enjoy the musings of gypsy jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt playing our city's song.


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