Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Did Ryan really save his caucus, or dig GOP deeper into doo-doo than before?

Much is being made of the endless list of politicos who feel compelled to say they don’t really back Donald Trump for president; no matter how strongly they may have previously endorsed him.

RYAN: Did he help Grand OI' Party?
In fact, some of the strongest rhetoric has been tied to the name of House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Minn., who says he’s so offended by what Trump has said about the fairer sex (even if it was supposed to be in private, and many years ago) that he won’t defend him.

RYAN SAYS HIS focus for the final four weeks leading up to Election Day is to work to ensure that Trump's presence on the Republican ballot won't wind up taking down to defeat other GOP candidates seeking Congressional seats.

Because just envision the conservative ideologue’s worst nightmare – both the Senate and House of Representatives develop Democratic majorities under a “President Hillary R. Clinton.” Which, in theory, start acting in partisan ways to shove so many so-called repulsive issues up their partisan behind.

Which actually is a myth. Largely because urban and rural Democrats have never been able to work in unison on issues the way that Republicans can. Just remember the brief times when both presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had Congresses that theoretically were aligned with them.

A whole lotta nothin’ went on, and both of those presidents wound up spending the bulk of their time with Republican-controlled Congresses that were openly hostile toward presidential interests.

BUT BACK TO Ryan, who says he fears Trump’s misogyny is now such a threat that it can’t be ignored. Not that he or other Republicans really are offended by Trump’s thoughts on gender issues. It’s more a matter of they’re upset he doesn’t understand the subtle way of expressing oneself without putting one’s foot in their mouth.
Speaking truth? Or his mamma didn't teach him manners?

I once remember a reporter-type colleague who, although working in Chicago, hailed from Georgia, who tried explaining to me a difference of perception on racial matters. Telling me that with regards to a certain “n----r” word, “It’s rude. Even if they think it, only the lowest form of white trash says that in public.”

Does that mean Trump is just lacking in manners; in the ways of behaving when amongst civilized company? If he had piped down what he thought of women, he’d be fine?

But the fact is that some people are, in a sense, rude. A large part of why they’re attracted to the Trump campaign no matter now stupid he sounds is because they sense he doesn’t hold it against them the way they really think.

SO THE FACT that the initial polls didn’t show any large drop of support for Trump even after we learned where he believes women should be grabbed to gain their attention?

There probably will be people who will take Ryan’s attitude as further evidence of how out-of-touch political people are! Which is the part about our society that scares me – the segment of those who equate having manners with so-called political correctness.

It means that when I do my own review of the Election Day facts and figures following Nov. 8 (and yes, I realize there are many people who only want to know “yes” or “no” as to whether their preferred presidential candidate won the election), I’m going to be checking many of these Congressional candidates.

How well did they do? How many of them got taken down? How many of them only got re-elected by the skin of their teeth? How many of them will feel the need to make post-Electoral mea culpas for their attitudes being expressed now?
CLINTON: Has she really won?!?

IN SHORT, HOW much of a change in the way our most narrow-minded in our society did Donald Trump’s existence as a presidential candidate wind up creating? How much “cover” did he create for them to think their thoughts – which usually focus on trying to keep everybody unlike themselves in check.

Ryan and other political people may want to view Trump as the aberration who will fade away (remember Michael Dukakis?!?) into forgottonia.

But it may be the lasting after-effect that we’ll have to devote generations to trying to fight off.


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