Tuesday, September 13, 2016

EXTRA: Rauner thinks campaign money can make politicians behave

Gov. Bruce Rauner has made it clear he’s not really interested in negotiations or compromise. He wants to get his way, and nothing else!
RAUNER: Turning to his wallet

And since the venture capitalist is quite wealthy, he’s used to the idea of throwing his money around to sway people to go along with his desires.

WHICH IS THE way he plans to go about governing for the remainder of time that he’s the chief executive of Illinois government – a title I suspect he’s probably more comfortable with than governor.

It explains the way he’s approaching this election cycle; one in which he has made many significant donations to Republican legislative candidates. He’s hoping he can create a gigantic sway in the partisan leanings of the General Assembly.

In his wildest dreams, he’d like the House of Representatives and state Senate to sway over to Republican control – which would be a big leap considering that both legislative chambers are so overwhelmingly Democratic that they theoretically can override any attempt by the governor to use his veto power.

Some $16 million, the Associated Press reports, is being spent this election cycle by Rauner to bolster the chances of GOP legislative candidates of winning.

WHO’S TO SAY what the chances are it will be successful. Since in the past, Rauner’s money hasn’t had much of an effect politically. Although I’m sure the governor is thinking that the past is the past. All he cares about is the future, and all it will take is one election cycle for him to try to undo all the opposition he has faced during his two years as governor thus far.

Rauner on Tuesday made his attitude all the more clear, what with the way the state Supreme Court refused to reconsider its rejection of a proposal that would have allowed for a voter referendum come November related to redistricting.
State Supreme Court wouldn't give gov power he desired

One that I’m sure he dreams would have allowed for the redrawing of political boundaries to eliminate that majority of legislators who are never going to give in to his idea of reform – which really amounts to nothing more than reducing the influence that organized labor has over government.

Or which can also be described as giving big business interests a dominant place over government as it tries to protect the public interest!

AS RAUNER PUT it, “now that the courts have denied Illinoisans the right to vote on a redistricting referendum in November for the last time, it is up to the General Assembly to address political reform – term limits and independent redistricting – as soon as they reconvene in the fall.”

Which isn’t going to happen, let’s be honest. So Rauner will focus his attention on trying to rig the Legislature to his favor.

I suspect Rauner was paying way too much attention to the City Council all these years, which acted as a rubber stamp to whatever desires the Chicago mayor had at any given time. Do we really think we’d be better off if the General Assembly started behaving in such a manner?

I also wonder how many of the ideologues inclined to back Rauner are also of the sort who are thankful that Congress has acted as an obstructionist body to President Barack Obama. Which means I don’t really want to hear any idealistic political theory talk from them!

WHAT WE HAVE these days is a well-funded candidate who can use his own personal wealth to try to buy silence from those people who’d oppose him.
HOLCOMB: Will it be enough cash?

Which is the best way to view the $100,000 he has donated to the gubernatorial campaign of Eric Holcomb in Indiana. Holcomb is the recently-appointed lieutenant governor who wants to succeed Mike Pence – who is now Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate.

Pence has been a royal pain in the derriere to Illinois and to Rauner what with his initiatives to steal away piddling little businesses from Illinois to the Hoosier state, and Rauner would like to see a change in Indiana attitude.

Perhaps he figures a hundred grand is enough to get Holcomb to back off and stay on his own side of State Line Road in coming years.


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