Friday, August 5, 2016

Trump too eager to win the “Who Do I Hate The Most” contest amongst voters

I don’t know if Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump really is a bigot.
Will real-life Trump recover from Election Day fall?
Personally, I’d be inclined to think that anybody with his kind of money would have moved out of New York City and given up any ties to the place years ago, because it exposes him to the kind of people his campaign is criticizing so often.

WHICH IS WHY I don’t find it ludicrous that there are gay rights activists from New York who say that Trump is actually one of the most reasonable business people they have dealt with.

We may well be getting a version of Trump best thought of as Candidate Don – the one who spews trash talk and blathers on incoherently at times if he thinks it will garner him votes come Nov. 8 – a.k.a., Election Day!

Family man Don may well be a completely compassionate human being whom we masses will never get to know.

Yet I have no problem with the rhetoric that Trump gets tagged with accusing him of being a small-minded bigot whose vision of “making America great” means going back to the early 19th Century.

AN ERA IN which power and influence were put in the hands of certain white men (not all, in many ways poor people might as well have been black for all the influence they had back then).

But that aspect seems to have been forgotten by those in our society’s lower economic rungs who somehow envision that it is our interest in equality and justice for all that has somehow deprived them of the benefits they think they’re entitled to.

And it is those people to whom the Trump campaign is relying upon if they’re to have any chance of winning the Electoral College vote in November and Trump to take the oath of office in January, with Melania at his side while perverts the world over fantasize about what she’d look like if she took her top off.

This segment of society sees the political coming of Trump as the chance to take back what they view as wrongly being usurped by someone else, someone much less deserving than they are.

HONESTLY, I CAN’T help but feel that if the modern demographics of the 21st Century really prevail on Election Day, it will be a Trump defeat. Someone is bound to ungraciously go out of his (or her) way to call him a “loser.” (Just like he did to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.).

But just as McCain’s 2008 presidential bid didn’t get any credit from Latinos for the efforts he had made previously to seriously revamp immigration policy, Trump will be ravaged by the Latino segment of the electorate.

That’s what he gets for kicking off his own campaign with an attack on Mexicans (who are, after all, a significant share of the U.S. Latino population). There are various polls showing that Trump will take even less Latino votes than did the Mitt Romney (a.k.a., Mr. Self-Deportation) of 2012.

And it’s not like just Latinos are inclined to look down on Trump. There may well be people who have been awaiting their chance for years to vote against Hillary Clinton. But Trump has the equal negatives because of whom he chose to rely upon for electoral support.

I CAN’T FEEL too much compassion for Trump. After all, he picked his own electoral strategy – and from all appearances is openly defying anyone who tries to offer him advice on how to conduct himself like a legitimate candidate for government office.

It’s just a shame that his idea of “Candidate Don” was one so brash and garish. Just think of what he might have been able to accomplish had he shown a little less arrogance in presuming that his real estate developer skills gave him a sense of how to run a country.

This is, after all, the election cycle where the predominant thought amongst voters is, “Who Do I Hate The Most?!?”

It’s a shame that Trump seems determined to get a majority of voters to, “pick me, that’s who!”


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