Thursday, August 25, 2016

EXTRA: NY Times says Trib is wrong

The New York Times came up with their own story Thursday about how the Chicago Tribune took its crack at revealing the actual recipe of Kentucky Fried Chicken’s “original recipe” brand.
An actual ad, rather than Page One space

I found it interesting that the nephew of Col. Harlan Sanders, who was the basis for the Tribune’s story, ignored the Times’ own telephone call request for an interview.

HENCE, THE NEWSPAPER that gives us “All the news that’s fit to print” wound up having to rewrite what had already been published by the one-time “World’s Greatest Newspaper.”
A holiday lid from days past

Although while the Tribune had to publish a non-committal response from the YUM! Brands corporate officials who now own the Kentucky Fried Chicken brand, the Times was able to get them to say that the recipe published by the Tribune in Sunday’s newspaper is NOT the one used in franchises around the globe to produce their chicken.

Regardless, I stand by my original viewpoint that all these stories result in a lot of free publicity for the company – more valued than if they had decided to actually spend money for the advertising space.
Fried foods are in the news, apparently

And certainly a lot cheaper for the company! Although still quite a waste of newsprint space for the publications themselves.


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