Friday, May 13, 2016

We don’t like Bruce Rauner; what else is new? Do we like any politicos?

Is there such a thing as a political person whom we actually approve of? I’m starting to wonder.
We don't approve of Bruce Rauner...

It seems like every time we hear of another poll of a government official, the result is that we don’t approve of the person. We can’t stand them. It’s a wonder we ever elected the bum in the first place.

ALL OF WHICH makes me think that these surveys of likeability and approval ratings probably don’t mean much. We voted that person in, and in most cases likely would do the same when given the chance again.

It comes across as our complaining because we don’t have fantasy candidates – who because they are fantasy exist merely in our imaginations.

I was inspired by the Morning Consult study of governors that showed our very own state chief executive had dropped to a 34 percent favorable rating, with a majority (54 percent) going so far as to say they disapprove of Bruce Rauner and his performance.

It’s no wonder, what with the approaching a year-long stalemate over preparing a budget. Even the people who voted for Rauner back in 2014 likely are disgusted with the politically partisan mess that has developed. 

NOT THAT IT should be said that the public has turned on Rauner. My guess is that if a poll was done of the likeability factor and approval for Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, it would be equally as high against him as it is against Rauner.

The truth most likely is that we don’t like anybody who’s foolish enough to actually run for political office, once they assume the position and become responsible for getting things done.

Which is hard for political people, because they inherently have the desire to be liked by the public – if not downright worshipped. It’s the reason they run for public office in the first place.
... and don't think much of Mike Madigan either
They may talk about the desire to do the public good and the people’s business. But it really is about their egos enjoying the idea that it is them who has the power to get those things done.

SO I’M NOT all that swayed by the high negativity ratings for Rauner. Heck, I’d be surprised if they weren’t terrible.

Even the fact that he’s the sixth most unpopular governor in the nation shouldn’t be a surprise. Although I’m sure that the five people ahead of Rauner on that list aren’t too enthused, particularly Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback – who comes off as Number One on the list of most disapproved of.

In fact, it often surprises me to learn of President Barack Obama’s approval ratings. As of Thursday, 52 percent of the public finds him favorable, according to the Gallup Organization. Also, a study by Gallup back in March found that 45 percent of people think Obama deserves praise for making this country “more prosperous.”

A statement to which I’m sure a certain segment of the electorate will blatantly despise. They’ll claim there’s no way it could be true, and that the pollster must be flawed because they were never asked what they thought.

SOME PEOPLE ARE just determined to complain when it comes to electoral politics.
Someday, we'll despise Donald Trump too

Which is something that perhaps Donald Trump ought to learn if he’s serious about going forward with a presidential campaign.

For all the people who now say they can’t stand the idea of Trump getting the Republican nomination for president, there are others who are all gaga about the idea. Yet even they will eventually turn on Trump – particularly as it becomes more apparent that he could win.

Should that happen, Donald could easily find himself the most despised person in the nation – which is a concept that I’m not sure his ego could handle.


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