Friday, February 12, 2016

Foxx wants us to not look behind the curtain w/ Preckwinkle standing behind

I found it interesting to learn of the new campaign advertising spot for state’s attorney hopeful Kim Foxx that tries to emphasize her independence.

The new spot tells us of how she experienced first-hand as a child the mean streets of the old Cabrini-Green public housing complex, and makes us think that she identifies with the problems of the segment of our electorate most offended by the behavior of incumbent State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez.

YET THAT ADVERTISEMENT was something I first saw included in a Thursday morning e-mail message from Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle – the woman for whom Foxx worked most recently as her chief of staff.

There are those people who want to believe that the Foxx campaign is merely a tool by which Preckwinkle is trying to assert her own authority over other governmental units.

The combination of the concepts of independence and political ties seems to me to be a strange one, particularly since the Preckwinkle e-mail (officially from the Preckwinkle for President electoral committee) is a fund-raising pitch.

A ploy for us to make contributions of $5, $10 or $25 to the Foxx campaign fund, so as to allow Kim to have “the resources to fight back against these attacks.”

WITH THE ATTACKS being those people determined to point out every potential flaw of the Preckwinkle administration in charge of the Cook County Board, then claim it’s all Foxx’ fault since she was in charge of running Preckwinkle’s county government staff during much of that time period.

How truly independent is Kim Foxx ...
“Kim Foxx’ opponents are trying to discredit our efforts to transform Cook County government,” Preckwinkle wrote in her Foxx fundraising pitch.

So for all the efforts to claim that Kim Foxx is her own woman, she’s going to be clung to by the Preckwinkle people who see that any attacks on her are also going to be blows to themselves.

I’m sure Toni Preckwinkle doesn’t want her own future governance being hindered by the politicking that will take place during the next month over who gets the Democratic nomination for Cook County state’s attorney.

SO SHE THROWS in the appeal for small-scale donations, which is what some political people like to use so they can create the impression that they’re not tied to corporate and other big-money interests.

... from her former boss?
Of course, all those $5 contributions can add up, and potentially into sums that sway the bigger-money people into taking a candidate serious enough that they wind up kicking in their money too.

All too often, those interests want to throw out their money to as many potential candidates as possible – so they can claim they backed “da winner” regardless of which candidate actually wins.

Insofar as Foxx’ actual commercial spot is concerned, it tells us how violence and pleas for help “they’re still here” in urban communities where the issue of violence being caused by the police is not some fantasy too ridiculous to take seriously. Whether that’s enough to get a majority to vote for Foxx, rather than just turn her campaign into the preference of the third of the Chicago population that is African-American, has yet to be seen.

HOW THIS SPOT will play among the electorate and make them want to actually vote (rather than being turned off by whichever nitwit candidates remain in the presidential field by the time the March 15 primary comes along) will be determined.
PFANNKUCHE: Takes on Dem winner come Nov.
Although I wonder if there will be even less interest come the November general election when the eventual Democratic nominee claims the right to challenge Republican Christopher E.K. Pfannkuche in the November general election.

Who, you might ask? I must confess that the only reason I know the name is because I remember him prosecuting cases I wrote stories about back when I was a reporter-type person at the Criminal Courts Building for the City News Bureau of old.

Even then, what I most remember about him was that he liked to be identified in copy with his middle initials, but would never actually tell me what they stood for. Maybe by the time November rolls around, I’ll finally learn the answer to that question.


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