Wednesday, December 16, 2015

EXTRA: Nonsense talk often prevails

It’s a known fact that the more ridiculous, irrelevant or ludicrous a campaign accusation is, the better chance it has of sticking in the mindset of potential voters.

MUNGER: The appointed incumbent
So is it possible that the serious campaigning for Illinois comptroller has begun?

THAT’S THE POST currently held by Leslie Munger, who was picked to fill the vacancy created when Judy Baar Topinka died a year ago before being able to serve in the post to which she had literally just been elected a couple of weeks earlier.

Munger gets to hold the office to which Gov. Bruce Rauner appointed her, until this year’s elections in November, when the voters will get to say who finishes the final two years of the term that runs through January 2019.

Munger is the GOP opponent, while Chicago city Clerk Susana Mendoza has already declared herself the Democratic challenger.

Which led Mendoza, who once was a state representative from Chicago, to join in with the organized labor types who are trashing Munger, who is a native of suburban Lincolnshire – the municipality that felt compelled to declare itself a right-to-work community. Furthermore, Munger’s campaign manager is also the village president of Lincolnshire.

IS MUNGER REALLY nothing more than a Rauner puppet? Willing to have her people do his bidding?

It’s a predictable line of attack. Not the most original. But to be expected.

So perhaps it should have been anticipated that Munger would retaliate with claims that Mendoza was equally negligent in not being on top of the controversy that befalls her hometown. As in all that video talk related to the death of Laquan McDonald.

Which is stupid to expect a city clerk to have any serious say over. But it is the kind of thing that will inspire less-informed potential voters to get all worked up over.

MENDOZA: Dem challenger
PLUS, BECAUSE THE stink related to McDonald and Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s potential involvement in trying to downplay the death is much more internationally known than our state’s financial problems and the degree to which they’re just an attack on organized labor, it means Munger probably scores the bigger “hit” with her crazed accusation!

This has the potential to turn a usually low-key downballot race (usually, anything related to state government gets less attention than the Chicago stuff that matters to many overly-local voters) into a real stinker.

Particularly since Mendoza’s campaign retorted to Munger’s accusation by saying it came straight from the Rauner strategy team. “We hope to see this properly reported as an in-kind contribution on (the Munger campaign’s) quarterly report,”


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