Monday, November 23, 2015

We got hit with our first winter snow a month shy of winter weather season

We won't be seeing this sight on Lake Michigan anytime soon
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And here, it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet.

Sure enough, we in Chicago got hit with our first snowfall – enough accumulation that some of us can claim nearly a foot-and-a-half of snow and even the lesser among us could claim a couple of inches.

I HAPPEN TO be in the latter category – living down in southern Cook County as I do, and can also claim to have been visiting my father in suburban Homewood Friday night when the snowfall began to hit.

In fact, for me the story will be how I got roped into running a family errand that had me driving around all over the place at the time the snowfall began.

My nephew had a date (took her to a movie), and because he’s at that age where he’s still in driver education and too young to have a license, he needed to have someone give him and his lady friend (he claims she’s not formally his girlfriend, not yet) a lift.

Yet because of some confusion and curfews at the movie theater, I had to take then to two different theaters before they found one that would let them see a movie without an adult presence. And for the record, I had no intention of being their adult chaperone while they watched “The Hunger Games.”

SO WHILE THE sloppy weather conditions began developing, I was driving around in a frenzy trying to ensure they could get to their movie on time. Then, when their ride home fell through, I had to go pick them up.

So excuse me for thinking of the first snowfall as a frustrating experience – one that it probably shouldn’t have been based solely on the couple of inches that were on the ground at that time.

I also was fortunate to manage to avoid having to drive much this weekend until after the snowfall fell – although as it turned out, I got to relive a childhood chore I hadn’t done in years.

We will see this sight on Lake Michigan very soon
As in grabbing a shovel and helping to clear my father’s driveway! And no, I can’t claim any kind of allowance payment for such duty.

IT WOULD HAVE been worse, I realize, if I had been in a part of the Chicago area where they got hit with significant snowfall. So heavy that the Chicago Tribune proclaimed the snowfall to be an all-time record for the city for a storm in November.

The amount of snow depended on how far north one lived – with the closer to Wisconsin one was resulting in more snow. Does this mean the good Lord willing felt compelled to dump all that snow on Chicago Cubs fans?

Either that, or he just enjoyed seeing the sight of Wisconsin Badgers cheerleaders getting pelted with snowballs by their team’s fans.

Of course, all of this is trivia, since the National Weather Service records weather totals at the airports. And at O’Hare International, there was 11.2 inches of snow that fell Friday night into early Saturday.

EVERYBODY ELSE IS highly unofficial. Even if, for them, their local total is the only one that matters.

All of this is interesting because we won’t have the speculation about a ‘white’ Christmas, since we have the white already even though we’re not yet at Thanksgiving.

Officially, we’re still shy of winter. Four more weeks until we can officially claim “Ol’ Man Winter” has arrived.
Weekend snowfall turned cheerleaders into targets in loss to Northwestern
Just think of this weekend’s weather blast as one of those aberrations that occurs that makes Chicago ever so unique.


EDITOR’S NOTE: How long until we begin the annual debate over parking and ‘dibs?’

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