Thursday, October 8, 2015

Still stubborn after all these months?

I wish we could all channel an inner-Archie Bunker within us and tell Gov. Bruce Rauner to “stifle” himself.

Archie wasn't always so ridiculous
Because the governor’s routine of trying to portray himself as some poor little victim who’s being abused by the politicians who just don’t have the common sense to do what he tells them to do is getting way too old.

IT HAS LITERALLY been 100 days (almost three-and-a-half months) into the current fiscal year, and we’re nowhere close to having a state government with a balanced budget – which is a requirement under the Illinois constitution.

Yet rather than acknowledge that his insistence on tying assorted restrictions on organized labor and unions into the negotiations is what is causing the inability to reach a budget deal, he continues to claim he’s being picked on.

Because political people whose own ideological leanings don’t view those unions as some source of evil aren’t going to meekly give in. Heck, it is likely the people who voted those legislators into office did so because they want government officials who work with organized labor.

Rauner made his latest attack on Wednesday during an appearance in suburban Oak Lawn before the Southland Chamber of Commerce where he said he insists that the anti-labor measures be included in order to get gubernatorial support for any measure that raises taxes and fees to help balance out the state budget.

THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE, he claims, is for Democrats to use their supermajority status to pass their own idea of a balanced budget – one that would include some massive tax hike.

Meaning that Democrats would have to take all the blame and accept the public outrage for such an increase. Which, of course, they won’t want to do. There is a time and place for Rauner to pursue his anti-labor agenda. The budget isn’t it.

RAUNER: 100 days of nonsense talk being spewed
Although it is dishonest for Rauner to say that such a scenario is even possible. Because even if Democrats in the General Assembly were to try to use such a political tactic to come up with a budget, Rauner as governor can say “no.”

The “veto” power. Democrats can’t pass anything all on their own. Unless they’d be willing to then take a gubernatorial veto and try to override it.

IT SEEMS THAT Rauner is guilty of believing all those polls his private wealth has commissioned to show him with some moral high ground. He thinks the public would become “outraged!!!” by such a brazen political move.

I actually think it would appear that the governor is truly weak and ineffectual; as if all his blather on behalf of the “right wing” and those voters who want to isolate Chicago from the rest of Illinois was for naught and that it took the “old pros” in the Legislature to actually get something done.

No solution in sight. Photograph provided by State of Illinois
I brought up the issue of regionalism because I found it intriguing that Rauner made his latest pronouncement in suburban Cook County. I wonder if he believes he can gain the support of all the rest of Illinois – and make it possible for him to disregard the concerns of any Chicago-oriented legislators.

That was the strategy back during that two-year gap when Republicans dominated state government – the GOP made no inroads into the city, but dominated elsewhere in Illinois.

THE PROBLEM BECAME when those people near Chicago began to see how their interests weren’t that different from those of the city.

It is why elections in Illinois aren’t city vs. everybody else, but are really Cook County vs. everybody else. I don’t think Rauner realizes how the people he spoke to are as unsympathetic to him as anyone from Chicago proper.

Because they perceive just how self-interested Rauner’s pronouncements are. I don’t think anybody took the man literally when he made his latest rant.

In fact, I wonder how many people had another Archie Bunkerism pop into their minds, as in, “That is pure crapola!”


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