Monday, August 24, 2015

How warped is Trump on immigration? Even goofiest of rumors seem true

It doesn’t shock me in the least whenever Republican presidential dreamer Donald Trump opens his mouth about immigration-related issues.

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He has a strategy in mind; he wants to get the support of that segment of our society that is determined to think of immigration as a problem to be eradicated – particularly as it relates to Latin American nations.

IT WILL GAIN him some supporters. Although as far as I’m concerned, it also means he is worthy of any abuse that comes along with it. He made a choice about the kind of people he wants to vote for him.

So it also means he deserves the hostility and suspicion of the people he seems determined to single out for attacks just to try to get himself the votes of some people whose own motivations are questionable.

How else to explain the Trump rally on Friday in Alabama that devolved into racist rants from the followers when Trump once again brought up a pet issue of the xenophobic segment of our society – removing citizenship from certain people who aren’t exactly like them.

The problem with the remarks that Trump has made about Mexico and U.S. relations with the Mexican government is that they are so ridiculous and over-the-top that they make all the other rumors seem so viable.

IT BECOMES HARD to tell just what is absurd, and what is truthful. Because the truth of what comes out of Trump’s mouth is so absurd, in and of itself.

Take the story that emanated out of a Latin American-oriented website about how Trump said he wants to revoke the century-old orders that gave U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans. As I initially read on the website.

Because, as Trump  supposedly put it, they don’t fit the image of what the “American race” ought to be. As stupid as such a thought is, it isn’t any more ridiculous than what Trump has legitimately said about Mexico.

Or the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (which was one of the amendments implemented right after the Civil War to address the status of former slaves). Trump on Friday in Alabama called the amendment “stupid.”

I’LL BE THE first to admit that I can’t find back-up accounts of Trump actually discussing Puerto Rico and citizenship. In short, I can’t find an actual news account of what was said. Yet it is so in character that it comes across as believable.

Just as a story on the website came across as truthful – even though it isn’t.

In that report, Trump supposedly said he was prepared to settle the dispute over Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the Arabs who live in the area claimed by Israel by relocating those Arabs to Puerto Rico.

It was meant to be parody, but a Muslim cleric in Jerusalem on Friday took it literally, and went about denouncing the idea – claiming that, “Palestine is not the same as Puerto Rico, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is not a mere building made of stone.”

IN LIGHT OF everything else he says when Latin American issues come up, it would only make sense that Trump probably thinks Puerto Rico and its people aren’t worth much.

Trump probably thinks that Puerto Rico is nothing more than the place where he once developed a luxury golf course (with appropriate hotels) that has since gone bankrupt. How could it be anything worthwhile if it didn’t add to the Trump financial bottom line?

On the surface, the idea of revoking Puerto Rico citizenship (which would cause so many more problems than resolve the few the ideologues think exist) and turning the island commonwealth into an Islamic land are too ridiculous to take seriously.

Then again, so are Trump’s real comments about Mexican people in this country being “rapists and drug runners.” Whose only real purpose is to appeal to the segment of our society that respectable people realize are THE problem we ought to address.


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