Friday, December 5, 2014

Immigration appeals to the nation’s hearts and minds in coming months

The fight over revamping our nation’s immigration policies into something that makes sense is going to become a battle for the hearts and minds of our society, and Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., is likely to become a visible part of it.

The Washington Post reported this week how Democrats are trying to plot a strategy by which they will present an image to sway people over to backing the desire of President Barack Obama to revamp immigration policies in ways to prevent families from being split by deportation.

IT’S GOING TO be a bi-lingual approach. There will be many appeals to people to whom Spanish is a significant language in their lives.

It likely will be along those lines that Gutierrez, who long has urged the need for serious reform and was upset at how long it took Obama to act, and other members of Congress will be explaining just how detrimental it really is to our society to let the conservative ideologues have their desires of a policy that stresses deportation over all other changes.

The point being that conservatives who are counting on a new Republican majority over all of Congress to tout their nativist desires are going to be throwing out their own share of rhetoric about the evils of Obama using his executive order powers to implement some changes without Congressional approval.

Admittedly, it would be better if Congress would act on a comprehensive plan to fix the flaws in immigration laws that turn it into a bureaucratic nightmare for those who have to endure it.

BUT THE REPEATED failure of Republicans in Congress in recent years to even consider the issue gave Obama the moral high ground to take some action – one that various polls show a majority of people can support.

The ideologues, however, will want to believe their minority viewpoint is the one that represents the thoughts of all people. If Obama isn’t careful, too many people will come to view their twisted line of logic as fact – just as there are those who ought to know better when it comes to health care reform.

That was an issue where backers of making health insurance more readily available were not aggressive enough, and wound up letting the opposition dominate the debate with their trash talk.

Gutierrez & Company are meant to prevent the same from happening with immigration reform. There also will be the case that Spanish debate will wind up being dominated by the Obama backers – unless Republicans can start finding Latinos capable of badmouthing immigration reform with a straight face.

THAT’S SOMETHING NOT likely to happen!

The trash talk has already started. On Thursday, the GOP-run House of Representatives gave its support to a measure expressing its opposition to Obama on immigration reform. It is a measure that the (for another month) Democrat-led Senate will ignore.

At least it isn’t any of the nonsense talk about defunding the federal government to cause a shutdown of services to the public.

Although the Washington Post reported how there is talk of acting early in 2015 to cut off funding to the Department of Homeland Security for programs that relate to immigration law.

IT SEEMS THE ideologues are hoping they can get people all worked up against Obama so that if there is a future government shutdown, people might be inclined to blame Obama for it.

Even though history shows that whenever Republicans try to shut down government services for ideological reasons, the public sees through the tactic and winds up blaming the Party of Reagan (who himself is probably rolling over in his California grave at the short-mindedness of his alleged ideological colleagues).

How else to explain the nonsense lawsuit that got filed earlier this week in the U.S. District Court in Brownsville, Texas that seeks to have a federal judge strike down Obama’s executive order? Sixteen other states, including the knuckleheaded Hoosiers and Cheeseheads to the east and north of Illinois, joined in that lawsuit.

I just can’t see any federal judge attuned to the realities of life in south Texas – where it is the Mexican-Americans who are the majority of people and where it is blatantly obvious that the U.S./Mexico border used to be significantly to the north of the Rio Grande – having the nerve to go along with such xenophobic tripe.


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