Monday, June 9, 2014

EXTRA: Quinn can’t win! Did city pensions unite Rauner, teachers union?

In the end, Gov. Pat Quinn did probably the only thing that was practical when, on Monday, he signed into law a deal meant to resolve Chicago city government’s pension funding problems.
QUINN: He can't win

That’s the agreement that will now allow city officials the option of increasing local property taxes to come up with the extra funds necessary.

IT WAS THE deal that Mayor Rahm Emanuel wanted approved; although the mayor wondered if the same governor that snubbed his city-based casino desires would also use the “veto” pen to put an end to this as well.

But just as many political people gave their support to a deal that was meant to resolve state pension funding problems even though they hated it, Quinn wound up giving the city a chance to say its problems were done.

Of course, there’s always the chance a court case will challenge that action, just as there’s a court case that has managed to stall the implementation of the state pension funding solution.

So who’s to say that any pension problems are solved? At least it appears an effort is being made to do something.

THIS WAS ALWAYS particularly harsh for Quinn because it meant he had to give support to something that constitutes potential for a property tax hike.

He could claim it was the mayor and City Council that wanted this. But you just know some people are going to be ever-so-eager to say “It’s Pat’s fault!”

Heck, Republican gubernatorial nominee Bruce Rauner couldn’t wait to issue the statement making that very claim!

“I would have vetoed this law, but Pat Quinn likes to raise taxes, and left homeowners holding the bag again,” Rauner said, in his statement. “This should have been a no-brainer. Veto the bill! Don’t squeeze Chicago families any more.”

TO WHICH I want to give Rauner a particularly nasty raspberry. Cheap trash talk from the venture capitalist who aspires to a political post in his life story, without telling us what needs to be done to resolve the pension funding problem.
Just how close are Rahm ...
It’s not something we ought to take that seriously. Although perhaps we should note that Rauner says he would have vetoed the bill, even though it was desired by his friend, Emanuel.

So much for the idea espoused by some people who say Rauner isn’t really that much of an ideologue Republican, and perhaps we’d be better off having a governor who could get along with the mayor.
... Rauner on the issues?

Personally, I do think Rauner and Emanuel have much in common, which is why I found it particularly ironic that Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis issued a statement also lambasting Quinn.

SHE SAYS THE measure desired by the mayor steals money from city employees; claiming that a worker retiring now will have some $10,000 less in buying power from their pension 20 years from now.

She also tags the measure with the label “Emanuel’s Law,” which makes it seem as though she’d be most happy with Rauner’s outcome – even though the teacher’s union has made it clear they’re backing Quinn over Rauner come the Nov. 4 elections.

I’m fairly certain Quinn is anxious for Monday to end. It was a day where he woke up knowing he was going to get dumped on by somebody, no matter what he did.
How could Quinn get it right?

So if “the Mighty Quinn” were to ever find himself in the scenarios put forth by the Bill Murray film “Groundhog Day,” will this be the day that Pat is condemned to have to re-live – over and over and over again – until he somehow finally gets it right?


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