Thursday, May 8, 2014

EXTRA: 12-5? Ugh! On so many levels

The “excitement” (or lack thereof) of the Crosstown Classic is over for the year.

Highlight of the week?
The Chicago White Sox took three of the four games, and are now exactly a .500 ball club (18 wins, 18 losses). Compared to the 12-19 record of the Chicago Cubs.

I’M NOT GOING to get too worked over the White Sox’ loss Thursday. It’s just proof that on any given day, any professional baseball club is capable of beating up on any other team.

Even the Cubs being able to defeat the White Sox, here and there.

The 9th inning attempt at a rally for the few fans who held out to the very end of the game Thursday might have prompted a moment of excitement.

Although the idea that it took more than four hours to get through a nine-inning ballgame is – in my opinion – a dreadful experience. If I had to rely on mass transit to get back home, I wouldn't have been able to hold out to the very end.

BAD BASEBALL WAS played all the way around Thursday night. In fact, about the most excitement generated by Chicago baseball this week is the fact that the new Sports Illustrated is out – and Cuban slugging sensation Jose Abreu is on the cover.

“The Power of Jose Abreu!” we’re told. That’s what happens when you lead the American League with 12 home runs and 35 home runs thus far this season – although only one of those RBIs came during the four-game set against the Cubs.

With a batting average rising from .254 to .266, before sinking to .261 after going one-for-four Thursday night.

The best thing we can do is move on with this season – the Arizona Diamondbacks come to the South Side on Friday while the Cubs head for Atlanta to play the Braves this weekend.


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