Friday, January 10, 2014

EXTRA: Jones off the ballot, Medrano off to prison. Both off to nowhereland

For those of you who didn’t notice my mention of Republican gubernatorial hopeful Peter Edward Jones in a recent commentary, never mind. You can formally forget all about him – at least until he tries to run another token campaign for office.

MEDRANO: Down for the count, again!
The State Board of Elections officially kicked him off the ballot – meaning that the Republican field of candidates who want to challenge Gov. Pat Quinn in the Nov. 4 general election is now down to the four blowhards you actually have heard of.

ALSO REMOVED WERE Armen Alvarez and William Lee, who both wanted to run as Republicans against Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill. That field of people likely to get beaten up electorally by Durbin is down to state Sen. James Oberweis, R-Sugar Grove, and Doug Truax, who owns a risk consulting firm and likes to make mention of the fact he attended West Point!

But they are not the only ones who will no longer be part of the political scenery.

Take Ambrosio Medrano, the one-time City Council member who got put away years ago on a political corruption rap and served a prison sentence.

Medrano on Friday in U.S. District Court received a 10-1/2 year prison sentence for what prosecutors convinced a jury was illegal activity he engaged in while serving as a political consultant who worked with Cook County government officials (prosecutors say he was getting financial kickbacks on the bandages being sold for use at Stroger Hospital).

MOST POLITICAL PEOPLE who wind up doing a prison sentence get out and maintain a low profile.

They certainly don’t get back in the political game and engage in activity that puts them right back into prison! But that is what happened to Medrano – whose place in the Chicago political history books is literally now one of being a political corruption repeat offender.

Considering that he’ll be nearly 70 by the time he is released, I don’t know whether to think it is feasible that he could become a “three time loser” in the acts of legally inappropriate government behavior.


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