Tuesday, December 3, 2013

EXTRA: A pension reform party split

I got my chuckle from Tuesday’s vote on pension funding reform from the split in the Kirk Dillard/Jil Tracy vote.

Dillard is a Republican from Hinsdale wishing to be governor, while Tracy is a GOPer from Quincy who is Dillard’s lieutenant governor running mate. They ought to be a team.

YET WHEN THE vote came up in the Illinois Senate, Dillard was amongst the people who voted “no.” While when it came up in the Illinois House of Representatives, Tracy voted “yes.”

For the record, this was an issue that seemed to ignore partisan political lines.

There were many Republican officials who voted “no” to the plan that was perceived by some as an Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan proposal that was desired by Gov. Pat Quinn.

Yet would-be Senate candidate James Oberweis voted for it, as did gubernatorial candidate William Brady and Darrin LaHood – the son of the former Republican congressman and Transportation secretary, Ray LaHood.

THE FINAL VOTE in the state Senate saw 20 Democrats and 10 Republicans vote “yes,” with 15 Democrats and 9 Republicans voting “no.” Three Democrats voted “present,” while two Dems (including Donne Trotter of Chicago, who likes to bill himself as a political powerbroker who does great things for his legislative district) did not vote.

In the Illinois House, there were 47 Democrats and 15 Republicans who voted “yes,” while 22 Democrats and 31 Republicans voted “no.”

TRACY: Didn't follow her leader
Although before you think that this issue was completely bipartisan, keep in mind that within minutes of the final votes being taken, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner was quick on the draw with a statement condemning the government activity that occurred Tuesday.

Calling the pension funding reform measure a “small bandage on an open wound” that would “help (legislators) temporarily feel better,” he said that if elected governor, he would “shake things up in Springfield and deliver results that will truly bring back Illinois.”

RAUNER: Destined to complain
WHICH MEANS WE'RE still going to have to endure several months of his cheap, anti-organized labor rhetoric on the issue.

Rauner is not about to let the Legislature’s actions take away his pet campaign issue, and all the rants that go along with it.

Let’s only hope that it’s a rant that comes to an end in March, rather than lasting all the way through nearly a full year and the November general election.


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