Friday, May 17, 2013

EXTRA: The beginning, or the end, for the Sox? Will we have to look to Gary, Indiana for a summer baseball fix?

The Chicago White Sox have won their past three games, and four of their last five.

Adam Dunn – the man who’s supposed to be the big home run bat in the White Sox lineup – managed to hit two in one game Wednesday against the Minnesota Twins and had a game-tying hit in the Thursday game against the Los Angeles Angels.

ALL IN ALL, it has been a good week for the White Sox; who continue as of Friday to be in last place in their division. Although the only reason for hope is that even as bad as they have played, they are only 4 games behind the tied-for-first place Cleveland Indians and Detroit Tigers.

Meaning that nobody in that particular division (American League Central) is all that outstanding. And we’re not even at the Memorial Day holiday – which is the point when I start seriously paying attention to baseball standings (any earlier is just too early, not enough games played).

So what should we think? The beginning of the turnaround? Or is this soon-to-be completed week The Highlight of the 2013 season?

It may well be so. Which may also mean many of us wind up turning to the minor league ball clubs in suburban Joliet, Gary and Crestwood (all of which opened their seasons Thursday) for a live baseball fix this summer.


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