Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sorry. But will public buy Jr.’s apology?

“Tell everybody back home, I’m sorry I let them down, okay?”


JACKSON: Accepting his apology?
Those were the words of wisdom uttered Wednesday by Jesse Jackson, Jr., following his court appearance in the District of Columbia at which he formally entered a “guilty” plea to the criminal charges based off the fact that he spent significant amounts of his campaign contributions on celebrity memorabilia for himself.

Which must be a disappointment for those ideologues who for months, if not years, have been ranting that “Junior” is on his way to prison for trying to “buy” himself a seat in the U.S. Senate, or a series of political deals they desperately want to view as corrupt because they don’t comply with their own ideological hang-ups.

INSTEAD, JACKSON FACES the possibility of about five years in a federal correctional center of some sort (probably a minimum-security work camp) because he absolutely needed to have a fedora once worn by singer Michael Jackson.

Too bad the Congressman couldn’t have used his campaign cash to buy that famed white glove – that would have been too perfect!

The court appearance Wednesday morning (wife Sandi had her own court appearance in the afternoon) was unique because few of us have seen the now-former Congressman in public anywhere.

Personally, the last time I encountered him was back in May (or was it late April?) when he made an appearance in suburban South Holland to talk up the concept of a new airport in rural Will County – a project that many other political officials may steer away from just because it is so associated with Jackson’s name.

IT IS THE airport tentatively given the International Air Transport Association code of “JJK” (to go along with “ORD” for O’Hare International and “MDW” for Midway airports). How quickly will those officials now try to erase any evidence that they ever considered making the likely Chicago Southland International Airport a tribute to Jesse, Jr.?

Perhaps it is with that thought of self-preservation in mind that Jackson himself felt compelled to issue the apology. Because most officials in those moments just after having to enter the “guilty” plea (which forecloses any attempt to defend themselves legally) don’t worry about such concerns.

Or else they try to come up with some line that, in their minds, diminishes their guilt.

Instead, Jackson wants us to not hate him for his actions; which technically, if handled in a different manner, could have been construed as legal – if not still a tacky waste of cash that could have gone to something more worthwhile.

THAT IS WHAT makes this whole Jackson affair so laughable!

We were supposed to think that Jackson was conniving with former Gov. Rod Blagojevich to get himself appointed to a U.S. Senate seat – even though the reality was that Blagojevich himself was petty enough that he NEVER would have given Jackson such an influential post.

Despite the fact that Jackson probably would have been the best qualified of all the people in serious running for the post. The fact that Roland Burris ultimately got the appointment was more a “drop dead” gesture from Blagojevich to people who had a problem with the governor himself being enriched in any way.

I suspect that the people who wanted to believe the worst are going to continue to still do so. They are the ones who I suspect are going to refuse to accept anything in the way of apology.

HECK, THEY’RE THE ones who already are on the Internet ranting and raging that Jackson wasn’t immediately sent to prison (he’s scheduled for sentencing in June).
RYAN: Replaced by Jackson for public contempt?

It has me thinking that the people who for years have let their venom build up against former Gov. George Ryan will now transfer their hate to Jackson – he’ll be the guy whom they make tacky jokes about and will probably wish has something horrible happen to him during his incarceration.

Personally, I can’t comprehend such hate. The fact that Jackson felt the need to own items that once belonged to martial arts expert Bruce Lee is more laughable than criminal.

So as far as I’m concerned, accepting Jackson’s “apology” ought to be a no-brainer. Rather than linger in a pool of political bile, it allows all of us to get on with our lives.


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