Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Holidays are meant to be enjoyed in real world, not on the Internet

Chicago's official Christmas tree. Photographs by Gregory Tejeda

If, by chance, you are reading this on Tuesday, all I have to say is, “Get a Life!” It's Christmas!

You need to log off your computer, or whatever other device you happen to be reading this weblog on – and get out into the real world on this holiday.

MAYBE I’M A bit too much of an “analog-type guy who sees all the flaws of the digital world that we’re all too rapidly becoming. But this ought to be that one magical time of the year when we get away from whatever screen we read or watch things off of to reflect upon the enlightened spirits in our lives.

The New Year holiday could be that moment of reflection – except that too many people are concerned with showing how much alcohol they can imbibe in to take such action seriously.

So for those of you who are celebrating, here’s hoping that you have a “Merry Christmas.” For those who don’t, I’m sure you could use a day off from the daily routines we all get stuck in.
The city's official Menorah remained in place even after Hanukkah was complete

For those who had their Hanukkah celebration a couple of weeks ago, I hope it was a very joyous occasion. I know it was for my father and step-mother and the other portion of my overall family who are Jewish.
Even political people felt the holiday spirit

AND FOR THOSE who came here to this weblog in search of commentary or analysis of Chicago, be rest assured that everything wrong with this city will still be here on Wednesday.

Any thoughts that could have been expressed here on Tuesday can wait a day!
I'm sure the people who want to go through life ranting against Rahm Emanuel or Barack Obama -- or crying over how the Chicago Cubs could be so awful for a century-and-still-counting -- will still feel their gripes just as intensely.


EDITOR'S NOTE: For those of you who feel compelled to re-see Suzy Snowflake (my brother, Chris, usually makes a crude remark about her) and her black-and-white animated Christmas holiday friends, the Capitol Fax newsletter offers up a chance to reminisce about seeing them while watching Ray Rayner on early-morning television.

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