Tuesday, December 4, 2012

EXTRA: So now we wait, once again

Cook County Commissioner William Beavers has to put himself back in “silence” mode, once again.
BEAVERS: Back on hold

For on the day we thought that jurors would face questioning to find out just how clueless they are about the local political scene, U.S. District Judge James Zagel decided to postpone the matter until Jan. 31.

IT SEEMS THAT one of the attorneys has become ill. Pushing forward with the trial while a significant part of Beavers’ defense would have become a sure-fire grounds for overturning any verdict this jury would reach.

And the judge decided that putting the trial on hold for a week or so would push the eventual verdict right into the heart of the Christmas holiday.

Just think of how peeved people would have been if they would have had to spend their Christmas waiting to find out what would become of William Beavers. Not that anybody seems concerned that the trial would have impinged on Hannukah (although I doubt many practicing Jewish people would have been so obsessed as some become when “Christmas” is brought into the conversation).

So the bottom line is that Beavers won’t spend this Christmas pondering his fate, and possible arrival date to prison.

HE’LL EVEN GET to spend a Happy New Year in Chicago.

But just think of what this will do to his Valentine’s Day!

And no, I don’t want to read any wisecracks about what the “hog with the big nuts” does on the day dedicated to romance.


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