As I write this, the sounds of Ray Charles are echoing throughout the McCormick Place convention center, and President Barack Obama is preparing to find the diplomatic way of giving a raspberry to the campaign of Republican opponent Mitt Romney.
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OBAMA: Still the prez, w/ same enemies |
But I’m also sure that there are other people who are preparing to make Obama’s political life miserable – perhaps they want him to regret that he ever had presidential aspirations.
FOR I DON’T doubt that some people in our society are p’o-ed at the idea that they voted against him in both 2008 and 2012 – and he still managed to win both election cycles.
It doesn’t help that the breakdown of our Congress won’t change. Democratic Party partisans will still control the U.S. Senate, while Republicans will keep the U.S. House of Representatives.
I never seriously thought we were going to get the return of “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.,” but current House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, made it clear he’s “not going to budge one inch” on issues.
Which means the second Obama presidential term has the potential to be just as much of a partisan pissing match as the past two years has been.
DESPITE THE FACT that we will now have Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., because his Republican opponent engaged in stupid talk when it came to talk about rape (while trying to appeal to the people who believe abortion ought to be a criminal act), the basic hostility of our political scene on the federal government level hasn’t really changed much!
So we’ll probably get the initiative in the House of Representatives to repeal health care reform, along with a lot of other partisan cheap shots.
I really believe the more hard-core of the ideologues will try to come up with grounds for impeachment hearings, although I’m not going to speculate what kind of partisan tripe they will claim the president did that would make his removal from office a necessity to preserve our republic.
They’ll probably go in the history books as being regarded about as ridiculous as the impeachment effort was against Bill Clinton some 14 years ago. But being ridiculous has never prevented political people from doing something in the past.
SO THE NEXT two years are likely to be more of the past two years.
Although the new line of rhetoric will focus on the popular vote. CBS News just went through a whole diatribe not long ago about how Romney at that moment was leading Obama by nearly 1 million votes (my mind imagines actor Mike Myers’ “Dr. Evil” character saying that figure), although later admitting that the gap was closing.
Will we get the rhetorical nonsense from conservative ideologues about how Obama doesn’t deserve to be president? Don’t bring up 2000 or George W. Bush. Consistency has never been important to political blow-hards.
So what thoughts do I have in these moments before Obama preaches to his choir at the McCormick Place?
TYLENOL. WE NEED to stock up on it in significant qualities for the next few years.
Because all the psycho-babble we’re going to hear emanating from Washington is going to give us a serious migraine headache!
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SMITH: Confident, for now |
EDITOR’S NOTE: Just to give some of you more of a headache. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., D-Ill., got 63 percent of the vote – although if it had been up to the Kankakee County portion of the district, Brian Woodworth would have won (he took 61 percent of the vote there). And if that’s not enough mental pain, consider that Derrick Smith (the expelled state representative from the West Side) was leading with 62 percent of the vote. He’s back (at least until his indictment becomes a criminal conviction)!
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