Tuesday, April 3, 2012

EXTRA: What passes for a punch line when it comes to political humor

Cook County Commissioner John Daley had a little fun at his own political family’s expense when introducing a foreign dignitary to his county board colleagues.
DALEY: Personal punchlines

For Tuesday was the day that officials from County Cork in Ireland were in Chicago , and they were on hand when the county board passed a resolution praising its cooperation with County Cork as International Trade Partners. That is a status that goes back 17 years.

DALEY MADE A point of introducing Mayor Tim Lombard from Ireland, and telling all of his colleagues of the significance of the chain that Lombard wore around his neck.

For it seems the ceremonial garb bears a link for every single person who has ever been mayor of County Cork. It literally dropped down to nearly his waist, being so long and only growing.

Which inspired Daley to point out that if Chicago’s mayor were to wear a similar piece of jewelry, it wouldn’t be anywhere near as long – what with the fact that Daley’s brother and father served as city mayor for a combined 43 of Chicago’s 175 years of existence.

Perhaps a Chicago mayoral chain would look more like a choker – although the job at times can feel like one to the person who actually holds the office.

AS FOR LOMBARD himself (a dairy farmer who became mayor at age 35 just last year), he spoke a few platitudes about how wonderful it was to be in Chicago, although it was hard to hear him since county officials had him speaking into a dead microphone.

Which doesn’t sound like a very gracious way to treat an out-of-town guest – giving them the Dick Daley treatment for those aldermen who couldn’t figure out on their own when to pipe down!
GAINER: Family ties

And as for those who think that Chicago politics is too much of a family affair, this symbolic event gave more evidence.

For the initiative by which Chicago gains International Trade Partners around the world is one that has been led by Bill Gainer – whose daughter is current county Commissioner Bridget Gainer.


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