Friday, November 11, 2011

EXTRA: Cub Quade to become Redwing? Not if Sox Cox beats him out

I hate to seem like a smart-aleck (Who’s kidding whom? I don’t mind it at all), but a part of me wonders if in a certain sense, Mike Quade is about to move up in life.

Baseball life, that is.

THE FORMER CHICAGO Cubs manager is in the running to become manager of the Rochester Redwings. That’s the International League affiliate of the Minnesota Twins. The Star-Tribune newspaper of Minneapolis reported that the Twins want to talk to Quade, but hope to have a manager in place prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.

It also seems that among the other baseball people seeking employment who are being considered for this particular job is Jeff Cox (one of Ozzie Guillen’s coaches with the White Sox who was let go when he was).

And yeah, as badly as the Cubs played last year under Quade, it may well turn out that he gets a better ballclub in upstate New York than he had last year on the North Side. Unless Cox beats him out for it.

All of which probably means that one-time St. Louis Cardinals infielder Ken Oberkfell will probably get the field manager job, for real.


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