Tuesday, November 1, 2011

COUNTY QUIP: Halloween aftershock

SIMS: Voice of reason?
The Cook County Board spent a portion of its meeting Tuesday once again debating an old issue. Furloughs. As in whether or not it is appropriate to expect county board members to take them – especially since the budget proposed by Toni Preckwinkle asks people to take eight unpaid days off to help balance the budget.

Commissioner William Beavers still thinks he was right in refusing to take the time off or accept any financial loss this year, and his backers still back him Commissioner Elizabeth Doody Gorman still claims to be “offended” at such talk, and she has her backers.

THE BACK AND forth of the debate became juvenile and led Commissioner Deborah Sims to express her own disgust at the fact that her colleagues can’t let this issue go. Or maybe she was just influenced by the fact that Monday was Halloween.

For as Sims so “eloquently” phrased her political observation; “This is what happens when children have candy for breakfast.”


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