Tuesday, November 2, 2010

EXTRA: Patty burns name into my brain

At a time when Rahm Emanuel threatens to overwhelm the 2011 mayoral campaign, Patricia Van Pelt Watkins had to do something to gain attention to her own bid to replace Richard M. Daley for mayor.

She may well have done that, although I’m curious to see how she continues to keep her name in the mind’s eye.

WATKINS IS THE candidate whose radio advertisements aired repeatedly Tuesday night on WBBM-AM, the newsradio station that many people may well have relied on for a sense of how the Illinois elections turned out.

At least I was, as I spent part of my Tuesday night covering a couple of campaigns for a newspaper I do some work for. My car radio was tuned to ‘BBM so I could get the early returns. Later when I was at a desk and capable of using my laptop computer to access detailed results, I had the radio tuned to 780AM so that I could pick up on any details and live victory or concession statements they chose to broadcast.

I lost count of the number of times I heard Watkins’ spot. I doubt I will ever forget her name (this may be a juvenile thought, but is she a combination of Peanuts’ Pepperment Patty and Lucy Van Pelt?). Which is an accomplishment, because I honestly hadn’t ever heard of her prior to tonight.

A part of me is almost tempted to go visit her campaign office when she has her “meet and greet” event on Monday.

AT THE VERY least, I will have to start including her name in any write-ups I do about the upcoming campaign.

Anyone who can force her name into the mix on a night when people here were obsessed over Pat Quinn/William Brady (and the nation had its eyes on Alexi Giannoulias/Mark Kirk) deserves a little bit of attention.



  1. The girl has guts!!!! That's my kinda Lucy!!

  2. I'm interested in learning more about Patricia Van Pelt Watkins. We need a woman "Mayor" I guarantee the bills will get paid.

    Ms. Van Pelt, your commercial got my attention.

    I'm watching you

  3. I also was suprise to see the commercial aid so soon. I agree with Patricia I believe that we need New Leadership for a New Chicago.

    Concern Citizen

  4. What caught my attention about Ms.Watkins was that she said she is for all citizens in Chicago. Hey she got my attention. I believe she can make it.
    -written by: Youth with a attitude-

  5. I'm all for change, restoration for our communities, and empowering the people to voice their opinions. I believe Patricia will give chicago's citizens this opportunity. She got my vote already.

    Rosemary - Southside Chicago

  6. To finally hear of a potential Mayor that is for all people is a bit more than a miracle. I believe because she is for the people, all the people, she will win this race as Mayor of Chicago because she is for everybody not just for one certain group of people.

    I've spoken!!!

  7. Peppermint Patty, Peanuts and Lucy, I agree with WATKINS, we need all voices to be heard. Patrica is for the whole city. New Leadership for a New Chicago.


  8. I was watching BET and her spot came on! Caught me and my guys off gaurd! This was the same lady that ran the Drug Dealers off our block! We are def registering to Vote bcuz we got to get her in!

  9. Patricia Watkins is a little woman and i know you heard the saying big things come in small packages i have never meet a more powerfull women in my life i have watched her fight for human rights for all from the street corners to the white house no fear just a desire for change a passion for change like i have never seen she not only has talked the talked but she has walked the walk so many speak of change but very few believe in it but Patricia is a woman of faith and believe that a united people with a united voice will make effective change i know as an organizer she will do just that i am voting for Patricia and chicago will know who she is and what she has and will do for them yes i believe she can and will bring much needed change to chicago

  10. We all live here; we all are affected by the issues in our neighborhoods and FINALY we ALL have a chance to be heard. Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins inspires me. And Yes I am truly ready to be part of a New Chicago. Under leadership that understands the value of every man, woman and child. Go Patricia! You got my vote. No mayor has ever offered to allow me to be part of the decisions that govern the city. Patricia I hope you win and I am looking forward to being heard. Oh yeah I got some ideas.

  11. I like the thought of Peppermint Patty and Lucy VanPelt...its a since of innocence. Patricia Van Pelt sounds like one who will truly work for ALL of Chicago's communities, not just the "favorites". I am excited to be able to vote for someone who knows what it is like to be a real resident, who knows the plight of the communities, yet is well rounded enough to reach all of Chicago.

  12. I seen the TV ad Tuesday night on CLTV. Not only does she have guts as stated previously but is up and in front with the ads. I have a feeling by election time all chicago will know her name .

  13. I have known Patricia for many years and can vouch for her leadership in our city. She is passionate about the state of our people and will not just use her leadership abilities for pesonal gain. She will do her best to help us all!!!

  14. Patricia is a woman that care about the people. A lot of people want a change for our city but that's all they do is want it. Patricia on the other hand wants change but she also make changes. If we as a people want to see change in our city,on our blocks, and in our schools we need to vote for Patricia Van Pelt Watkins because what ever she set her hands to do it will prosper and a change will come about. With Patricia in office we will have a new Chicago.

    Thank you in advance,
    Mrs. Young

  15. Patricia's care and concern for others is worth noting. She has stood up for others' rights and fought issues that broke barriers.
    A New Leadership for a New Chicago-- Yes, I concur. Patricia's compassion, diligence, and determination will touch the lives of the citizens of Chicago.

  16. WOW… I truly believe that Peppermint Patty can create a New Chicago with her New Leadership. This is long overdue…. Chicago is such a beautiful city that was been damaged by the political bureaucracy, enough is enough it’s time for THE PEOPLE TO SPEAK!!!! She definitely has my vote.

  17. Patricia Watkins definitely has my attention and I plan on following her progress to see what else she has to say about her plans for a new Chicago. I like that she is devoted to all the people of Chicago and doesn't seem to single out one group or another, but has a plan for Chicago as a whole to become better. Many people are loosing hope, but I'm keeping hope alive!!!

  18. I personally don't take the campaign seriously. She may be a nice lady with ideas for change. But where's the real experience. I mean, seriously. Anybody can run a race. But why would we vote for her just because she can get some publicity. Figureheads are not a myth. Where is she coming from? What's her background? Is she really running because she wants to run or is she being used to run? It happens all the time to gain more political attention than to win the election. So that even though she doesn't win, she'll still have developed a name for herself and even the puppet master behind the scene. I've seen this a thousand times. I hope she's aware of it.

  19. I think that you should check her file before you conclude that she doesn't have the experience or maybe you should check the file of some of the "well known" candidates. And then make an informed decision. And if you knew Patricia you would know that she is nobody's puppet and she is not in it for recognition. She is in it to win it because she knows that somebody has to do it and why shouldn't it be somebody that has a genuine concern about people. And she knows that she has to do something because some of us are barley surviving under the present establishment. People should be more concern about changing society than about her losing. We must put an end to the loser mentality. Then we can all win.

  20. You know before this thought. I didn't think much about the race for Mayor, but now that I'm thinking about it. Being a young black man. This is just as important as the Obama election to chicagoans. We really need to see an urgency in electing a Mayor. In my oppinion this Watkins lady is refreshing. I've seen her on BET I'm really digging her vibe. Im gonna look a little more into her, I'm a male and far as I'm concerned I'm tired of the Blah Blah Blah game that these Chicago male politicians are blabbing. Her right in your face conversation on her commercial was gutsy, and not cowardly hiding behind special effects. Hey Lady go hard don't play with them. I'm definitley interested

  21. Patricia is an awesome woman,i read some of the things that she has done in the communities and through out the state. she is most definately for the people...she got my vote and the rest of my family

  22. Yeah, I've checked her out.
    And heard much about them people she's working with over their. Totally manipulative. Totally manipulative. I don't know, if that's what it takes to make change, but if so, then I say, "Go for it, vote Watkins all you want." She's a reverend right? Wassup with her church? Is she the pastor or does she have a pastor? If she's not the pastor, then you probably not gonna get any answers from her pastor - they're usually "out of town".

  23. Her pastor is not running is he?

  24. He might as well be!

  25. If that's the case Obama pastor should have ran! Daley pastor should have ran! Every elected official has a spiritual background and a church that they attend! Your opinion is very shallow and has no basis! Unlike pastors (Meeks) that neglect their sheep for the public eye, VanPelt is a woman that stands on her own two feet and takes every battle head on... When, not if, she gets in office, it's going to be alot of foolishness exposed. Hey Pat u got my vote!

  26. Guess we'd have to know just how connected she and her pastor is huh? That relationship could have much to do with her decision making as Mayor. And you call my comment shallow. It's just as shallow to say that Meeks is abandoning his flock for public eye. We know his stance because he told us, but not how he might still participate in the background. You're doing what you're arguing against. You're just as shallow.

    I'm merely suggesting that such a thing be looked at closely. As an objective voter, I have a right to raise the issue from what I've heard about that group of people.

    You must be a part of that group of people the way you defend them.

  27. Did you hear the one about weapons of mass destruction also?

  28. I find it amazing that Meeks is refered as a person but Watkins is refered to as a group. With all of the accomplishments that she has made, she should be a group.

  29. Yes I have heard of their weapons of mass distruction.

    No politician is an island. She or Meeks. But I'm not talking about him, now am I. This blog is about Watkins which includes her circle. Meeks blog is about him and his circle. Stay focused.

    As a psychologist, I would almost guess that you were Watkins responding to these posts so defensively. But always benefit of the doubt.

    Why is she REALLY running? Despite popular belief, Voters do look deeper as to why they're voting for a candidate. Why can't I? I've looked into her bio and from the looks of it, it's not worth me voting for her. And who ever you are talking about mass distruction makes me terribly afraid. Was that supposed to be political humor while we talk about the elections in this terrorist governmental climate. Not cool at all.

    Maybe Meeks is a good candidate since you have me considering him now. Don't worry about me returning to this page. I've been turned off completely.

  30. It's sad when a person is ridiculed for their opinion... On the other hand I'm keeping my options open as far as my vote... We are still months out... At the end of the day GOD is in control and whatever GOD decides is all well with me...

  31. Are you upset because I believe that Patricia Watkins will be a great Mayor? I thought that psychologist encouraged people to express their feeling. You seem to be angry because I don’t agree with you. You keep talking about Meeks perhaps you are Meeks or one of his members. Otherwise what do you care that I believe that Watkins is the best candidate? I do have a right to say that Watkins is the best candidate.

    My point about the weapons of mass destruction was about people taking their time to investigate things before they jump to the wrong conclusion; because they HEARD. Your comment on the matter makes me believe that you are calculating. Being a psychologist you should have gotten the point but maybe you are not a psychologist. If you do decide to read my post; please don’t get upset. It is only my opinion.
