Sunday, July 4, 2010

Declare independence from Internet!

It is Independence Day – the 234th anniversary of when British colonists declared independence from England and began what has become our nation’s noble experiments with freedom and Democracy on Planet Earth.

If by chance you are actually reading this on Sunday, all I have to say is, “What’s the matter with you?”

LOG OFF YOUR computer, or your cellphone, or whatever device you are using to read this weblog online. It is a holiday. Treat it as such.

Enjoy something off-line (a.k.a., the real world). Spend time with those family or friends. Perhaps you can even ponder what our nation ought to stand for.

Just do something, anything, other than reading the mess of copy and trivial video that clutters up the Internet. It will all still be here on Monday.

For those of you who can’t bring yourselves to break away, then check out the Schoolhouse Rock animated attempt at describing the significance of Sunday – along with what was always my favorite cartoon from the series that was a staple of Saturday morning television when I was a kid.


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