Monday, March 29, 2010

It seems like such a waste of time that our pols still want to bash Blagojevich

He has been gone from the political scene for more than a year (even though some people probably think that being a part of the reality television scene is more prestigious than being a lowly hack politician).

But don’t think for one moment that anyone in the Legislature that so eagerly voted to impeach, then convict, Rod Blagojevich has in any way had their feelings muted by the passage of time.

THE FORMER GOVERNOR’S name took two hits in the General Assembly in the past two days, which makes me sad. Not that I care about the public persona of Milorod.

But it just seems to me that at a time when our state faces financial problems of historic proportions, problems that threaten to impact the schools and local governments that rely on their state funding to provide needed services for the public, we have geeky legislators who are more interested in taking pot shots at Blagojevich.

What a waste of time, energy and brainpower!

That is what I honestly think of the fact that some members of the Illinois House of Representatives last week not only said it wanted to do a financial audit of the “Blagojevich era,” they also want to deny Rod his official portrait at the Statehouse in Springpatch.

NOW THEY’RE NOT actually capable of saying he can’t have his oil painting portrait hung at the capitol in the hallway along with all the other men who have served as governor of Illinois. Nor is it all the legislators who are looking for excuses to hang the current financial problems on Blagojevich.

It’s just the Republicans, who really want this audit to root up some questionable “facts” that can be twisted in such a way by the political campaigns of Republican candidates to try to label all Democratic opponents “guilty” by association with Milorod’s political party.

Which is why I think it is audits like this that are the true waste of money. Politically partisan people want the Legislature to conduct studies on the state’s dime that they can claim give their political attacks later this year a certain air of legitimacy.

Of course, it is a crock. They ought to just go ahead and pay for their own opposition research. At least that would be admitting that any such facts claiming that Blagojevich did something that added to the waste of taxpayer dollars was nothing more than a political hit.

IN SHORT, I don’t want my tax dollars being used to give bonafides to the GOP campaigns. That strikes me as being more wasteful than anything nasty or stupid that might be dug up about Blagojevich.

Which is why I wish Illinois House Minority Leader Tom Cross, R-Oswego, (who under different circumstances is an earnest public official) had not dignified this call for an audit that was made originally by Adam Andrzejewski.

For those of you who were paying attention, he was the Republican gubernatorial hopeful who took about 14 percent of the vote in the February primary election. Instead of withering away for four years like most fringe political candidates do, he’s trying to keep his name in the public eye.

Which means that by writing about this issue, I am guilty of giving him exactly what he wants – attention for whatever office he decides to be a fringe candidate for in the future. I guess getting the endorsement of Lech Walesa wasn’t a big enough boost for his ego. He wants more.

WHICH, WHEN YOU think about it, was Blagojevich’s biggest political sin. He enjoyed the public spotlight associated with being governor, and often based his actions on the premise that nobody ought to have the ability to stand up to him or be considered his equal.

Not even those people associated with his own political party. That ultimately is why Democrats were so eager to lead the fight for impeachment, and are probably more overjoyed than their Republican colleagues to see him gone.

Which is why political people are so eager to vote against the official Blagojevich portrait. Specifically, they approved a measure saying that political people in Blagojevich’s circumstances cannot have the cost of creating the portrait reimbursed with state funds.,

That means if Blagojevich wants his portrait to hang at the Capitol, he’s going to have to pay for it himself – or come up with a fundraising committee or some private donor to pay for the cost.

AS FAR AS I am concerned, the fact is that Blagojevich was elected to two terms as governor. His portrait belongs there. Any political person who voted for this measure so they could keep him out is being ridiculous. Nobody ever said that every single politician ever immortalized in oil on canvass or in marble was a noble human being.

I want for the day to come when a Blagojevich portrait is unveiled. I can easily envision the snubs Milorod would have to endure from people who would refuse to show up for the ceremony, and also the tense feelings from those who felt they had to be there.

If anything, the fact that nobody loves him anymore within state government would probably be the biggest blow to Blagojevich’s ego. That would hurt him more than anything else.

Besides, the memory of the Blagojevich hair deserves to be preserved for all eternity.


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