Thursday, July 9, 2009

EXTRA: Has Roland, Roland, Roland really come to his senses about his fate?

It will be interesting to see what spin Roland Burris puts on what is believed to be his decision not to seek election to a full term in the U.S. Senate.

It would seem that “The $845 Man” took a look in the bankbook, saw that figure, and realized the hassle he’d have to go through to keep the Senate seat just wasn’t worth it.

SO NOW, ROLAND gets to finish out the next year-and-a-half as a departing member of the U.S. Senate. It’s not a bad way to finish out a political career that had its moments of significance.

Then Burris gets to return to his Chatham neighborhood home, and perhaps he’ll be able to work out some sort of punditry gig on the local scene to supplement his ample pension from his days as a state official.

Hey, if Dan Rostenkowski can overcome his circumstances and be regarded as a voice of political expertise on local television newscasts, I don’t see why Burris can’t do the same.

For the record, Burris will state his intentions when he speaks to a gathering at the Chicago South Loop Hotel, 2600 S. State St., on Friday at 2 p.m. I understand the gathering will be mostly children, which I figure means he wants as sympathetic (and clueless) an audience as possible.


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