Saturday, May 2, 2009

Will we get Chicago vs. New York brawl?

The first president from Chicago gets to pick a Supreme Court justice, and some people are pushing the notion that it's time for a Latino to be among the high court's composition.

Yet among the names being tossed about for the life-time presidential appointment are Ruben Castillo, a federal judge in Chicago, and Sonia Sotomayor, a federal judge in New York. The activist types tied to New York are pushing the notion that it is ridiculous to pick anybody but Sotomayor.

YET COULD THIS be one of the effects of Barack Obama being an adopted Chicagoan (and the spouse of a native South Sider)? Could this be the latest political brawl between the political interests of the nation's largest city and the Second City?

There were times that the presidential primary came down to a Chicago vs. New York political scrap. Could this be what the Supreme Court selection process devolves to?

Or is Obama going to tick off the Latino activist types by picking neither? For those interested in reading more on the issue, check out our sister weblog, the South Chicagoan, at


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