Monday, August 11, 2008


That was my honest reaction to hearing Gov. Rod Blagojevich describe himself Monday as a “homeboy” and “possibly the first African-American governor of Illinois.”

Blagojevich was in Chicago doing his best to ignore the fact that Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn was picketing a gubernatorial appearance at the Chicago City Club to try to boost opposition amongst the public to state government pay raises.

THE GOVERNOR USED that appearance to note the vocal opposition that has arisen to his administration, and that state Senate President Emil Jones, D-Chicago, was one of his few political allies. So apparently, that leads Milorod R. (for Radisa, his father’s name) Blagojevich to think he has become an honorary African-American person.

At least Bill Clinton, during his presidency, acted in ways that were sympathetic to the needs of African-American people, who like to claim the former president as “one of their own.” I don’t ever recall Clinton trying to give himself the label in such a blatant manner as Blagojevich is doing.


EDITOR’S NOTE: It was a bizarre day for state government geeks in Chicago (

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