Thursday, January 31, 2008

GOP tries to resurrect itself on far South Side

Down in that magical part of Chicago known as Beverly Hills and Mount Greenwood (although I have heard some local residents of the latter neighborhood call themselves 'West Beverly'), the Republican Party is trying to resuscitate itself.

It used to be many decades ago that the far northwest and southwest sides were the bastions of Republicanism in Chicago, where local residents who had moved along somewhat on the path toward assimilation ("lace curtain Irish," they were called by their detractors) thought the politics of the Democratic "machine" were just too sleazy to be taken seriously.

But Chicago Democrats have assimilated virtually all who live here. Now, the 41st Ward up near O'Hare International Airport is about the only place that still has local officials who call themselves Republican. Even they are more than willing to make alliances with Mayor Daley and the Democrats. They truly do fall under the slanderous RINO acronym.

So although I lean Democrat, the political junkie in me finds it refreshing to learn of attempts to bring back some competition in local politics.

This web site ( was brought to my attention. I wouldn't mind in the least if the GOP were able to get its act together sufficiently in future years to make for real general elections in the Second City, not the token brawls that take place following a bloodshedding Democratic primary.


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